Double T: I've Hit Rock Bottom Once More

9:00 AM

I don't feel like writing a WTF Wednesday because nothing is more WTF worthy than my attitude towards life. Here is the thing, I've had three test today and I believe I failed all three of them. You don't understand, I just raised my AP Environmental Science grade to a 91% and now because of this midterm (WHICH BY THE WAY IS NOT EVEN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SEMESTER) could possibly drop to what I call the "death zone"... 88-89%.

You know why it's the "death zone"?? It's because it is super hard for you to raise it up and super easy to drop this percentage to a point where you can no longer raise it. I have a 88% in AP English and I raised my grade from a 88% in APES into 91%. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH EFFORT THIS TOOK?? I think school should grade everyone based on the amount of effort they put into studying. For example, I suck at every single subject possible but I put in the work, so I should get an A. It. Is. Literally. That. Simple. Why am I getting a B+ when someone who does not even try gets A+s.
Excuse me for being pissy. I don't want to complain about my Honors U.S. History class but I think I have to. In that class, yes I do have a 97% BUT today on the test. I got 3/30 correct for the fill in the blank part. She wanted us. To. Know. The "popular" cities in EACH STATE!! HOW DO I KNOW WHICH CITIES YOU CONSIDER POPULAR?? I CANNOT READ YOUR MIND!! It's not like only I failed but the rest of the class did too. In addition (wow look at me using fancy transition words), she didn't even tell us about knowing all the rivers and monuments AND YET SHE TESTED IT!! Excuse me while I go stab myself multiple times with a blunt fork. I want to improve but I think I don't put in enough effort. Why do I not put in the effort when I could? Because with all honesty, I don't care. With my grades and SAT scores right this second, I could get into UCSD guaranteed so why should I try? "I should try just because" is no longer a good enough reason for me to try in school. People go to school to learn, I go to school because I have to. Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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