GOT7 LA Afterparty

9:00 AM

OLO ma beans. I woke up this morning to a beautiful picture of Yugyeom drunk as a chicken nugget in dipping sauce, Mark's tattoo, Bambam using the N word, and a picture of Jessica Koh with Junior with the caption "I'm complete" and a whole bunch of his snake friends.

I will start my rant today with Wendy Wang, the girl who snapped a video of Yugyeom drinking. Some fans are like "Oh he might not be drinking" or "I saw the snap with a beer bottle" etc. If he's not drinking and this is all a big mistake, then JYP better come out with a statement and clear their name because as of right now, I can safely say that 90% of IGOT7 believe that Yuygeom is drinking and he's underage. Wendy is apparently a friend of Mark, and she should be well aware of the drinking laws in the US since she probably lives here. Why would you Snap Yugeom drinking in the first place? Are you attention seeking or did this law just not pass through your mind? There are some fans who will come to defend GOT7 and say "Lots of underaged drinking goes on, it's okay." It's not okay in this case BECAUSE THEY ARE CELEBRITIES!! Understand that illegal stuff that goes on with celebrities gets blown up and it is a lot more severe than normal people. Again, if Yuygeom is not drinking, that's great but if he is someone better apologize for his behavior or else this is really bad for GOT7's publicity. 

Mark's tattoo is honestly not that big of a deal. He's in his twenties and he's human. If JYP doesn't have a problem with his tattoo then why should we? It's surprising that he did have a tattoo at all since he is the face of the group but so what, he still can work properly so calm down everyone.

Allkpop actually covered this next issue in one of their articles: Bambam using the N word. I'm pretty sure that Bambam just though the N word meant "bro" "homie" and/or "dude" but again I'm surprised no one pointed it out to him that this is a really bad word. I mean, Mark had his friends there and his family there. These are all people who have lived in the United States for a long time so why didn't anyone say anything. They probably all know that their being snapped and filmed... Again they are celebrities. As sad as this sounds, they should pay attention to their actions at all times. If Bambam apologized on camera right after, then there would be no issues at all. 
I want to save the Jessica Koh + Mark's snake friend post as the last tidbit of today. I seriously do not understand how they can use his fame to get famous themselves. Andrew Chan even asked this fan to screw him to see Jackson and he also taught Bambam that the N word just means bro. Holly Vvong kept on asking Mark for gifts and using his fame also to get what she wants. Jackson unfollowed all of Mark's friends and was seen going to the airport by himself. I seriously hope Bambam will be okay because it is Mark's friends' fault. Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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