Happy End of the School Year!!

12:29 AM

I was looking at this today, and I just realized how good everything looks in black and white... So let's see what this B&W filter can do for our favorite KPop idols.

Exhibit A: Bobby for GQ
*Insert sexy noodle Sehun here* 
Every gender looks good in B&W
Exhibit B: Here we see Kai in his environment
Kai enjoys: smirking and exploding ovaries of female fans
Unlike normal people, Kai looks good sweating 
He also looks good in pitch black
Chairs looks good too in B&W who cares about HIM that's sitting on it??
B&W looks good with people with glasses
It also looks good with people wearing leather jackets
EXO members have awesome faces
Food even looks better...
Speaking of better... Have you seen this beautiful creature??
How about this creature?? 
LOL you called him creature... 
I know you are cute... 
JK I'm cuter!!
*Insert ovary explosion here* 
*Insert another ovary explosion here*
*Insert heart attack* 
*Insert cringe of cuteness* 

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