Sometimes when I get depressed...

9:00 AM

I search up Chanyeol gifs (ultimate bias in EXO)... I've actually wanted to do this post for a really long time but I never got the chance to. So even though we have no reached 6K yet, I wanted to treat my bean army to some eye candayyy... Feast your eyes on Park Chanyeol's silver hair phase.

This phase IS the BEST phase of EXO
Especially Chanyeol...
Literally what happened
Waves arms like a mad man
I ain't even trynna troll you
Holy moly... 
Do you see the amazingness oozing out of this GIF??
Jacket flip... Is this what this movement is called??
Slipping in some real good lookin men in here...
Silver looks so pure with white
Slippin a little squishie in there... I know you are singing along
with this GIF
Tattoos and silver hair are my weaknesses
When I collected confetti from the concert because of this picture...
What. I'm malfunctioning from this picture.
Literally turtle neck plus a blazer... YES PLZ
Basically he gives me breathing problems
Oh really??
My soul just cried a little...
I hope y'all have enjoyed this amazing spam... I know I did because I got to look up these pictures. This is also something I want to post to make up for the lack of blog posts... I just used "posts" twice... Whops... Three times... Oh welp... I want to thank you for your support. Until next time stay cool ma beans!!

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