Weekend Happenings: Celebration of My Mom's Birthday

9:00 AM

So this past Sunday was my awesome mommy's birthday!! We celebrated by going out to eat and then shopping until three in the afternoon. I am really grateful for having such a lenient parent in my life. I have changed my idea of what I want to major in numerous time and I joked around with her that I'm probably not going to get into college because of how horrible my grades are and yet she still believed in me. Most Asian parents would have probably planned out their children's life and did not allow any changes from that course so I'm glad that my mom is open minded. She literally works weekends and weekdays just to provide me with the materialistic things that I want. She is constantly pushing me so I can perform to the best of my abilities. Heck, she cares more about my sleeping schedule than the grades that I'm getting which is kind of a crazy concept for Asian parents. I am really grateful for having someone as inspiring as her in my life. No matter what happens, she is forever not only a parent to me but also a really good friend. It wasn't a crazy weekend but I wanted to show how much I appreciated my mom. Until next time, go give your mom a hug and stay cool ma beans. 

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  1. I thought you said you were white???? Since your last name is Hamilton???

    1. Hamilton is actually my anonymous writer name... I don't think I can produce truthful content if I used my real name... Sorry to disappoint you but please continue to support me!! ೭੧(❛〜❛✿)੭೨


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