WTF Wednesday: 2.5 GPA and Sadies??

9:00 AM

Alrighty, MY GPA JUST DROPPED TO A 2.5 average. Am I in a state of panic?? Heck yes. Am I going to do something about it?? Heck yes!! I already emailed my teacher so hopefully, I'm praying that I will be okay... I swear because of high school I might become religious.

The whole thing is basically my fault and also the lady who has the same email in gmail as my Chinese teacher. What happen was that I was suppose to email a project to my teacher, but then I typed in ".gmail" instead of the school email, so obviously my teacher did not get my project. OKAY update: My GPA has returned to normal and she accepted my assignment! YAY!!
This was a video project where I have to post my video on YouTube and then share the link with her before 3:00 pm. SO THANK THE GPA GODS THAT THERE IS A SUCH THING CALLED A TIME STAMP. Literally if I did not have that time stamp, I would be sobbing because I would not have proof and basically I'm going to fail the class. I might be a bit dramatic since there are only three grades in there but dudes... The Asian logic is that even one grade matters in the whole picture. I will continue to update this post as the day goes by to see whether she is willing to give me points for the video or not.

YES THE NEXT TOPIC IS SADIES. For those of y'all in other countries, basically sadies is a dance where the girl asks the guy to the dance. So am I gonna ask someone? VERY VERYYYY slim chance. Like slimmer than Sehun's arms. You see, the guys that I like are either all in Korea (some might be on tours in other countries), across the country, too far away to drive here, or dating someone. Speaking of dating, I wanted to check out the guys at my first choice college... You know for potential dates and I did find this super cute guy, he's athletic and smart. TOTALLY MY TYPE... But then, I decided to scroll to past 77 weeks ago and then I liked that picture. Well, I'm now scarred for life... I'm paying the price for stalking... This is seriously a public service announcement because be really careful when stalking people on any form of social media. Until next time, stay cool ma beans. PS... Can y'all just casually pray for my grade right now?? Thanks... 
Your laptop have just been blessed...

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