A Bean Xmas: Day 10

9:00 AM

YAY it is officially ten days before Christmas!!

I am seriously so happy that this is the first Christmas we are spending together. I know I haven't been active for the past two weeks and there is of course compensation plus PRESENTS for Christmas!!
So stay with me for the countdown to Christmas!! I literally just screamed Christmas four times... I think I'm a bit crazy after the tests this week. I had a HUSH test and math test yesterday... I failed both.... I got literally Bs and Cs on both of them. Then today I had my AP English "quest" (by the way teachers, this is not a thing... when you say that it is a "quest"... IT IS A TEST!! Why you gotta lie to meh??) don't worry... I failed that too... and we also had a APES test today which I got a 83%. I CANNOT!! This is a great way to end Christmas break and guess what... SAT scores are coming out the week of Christmas... AGAIN ANOTHER BREAK RUINER!!
I am completely checked out by now and I am all yours for the rest of the break so message me, email me, love me (JK that is not okay...), and just feel free to contact me!! I will be getting to emails very very soon but first I have to go and wrap all my presents. I am seriously so tired.. My sleeping schedule is so messed up, I take a nap until 6 every night and then I sleep at 2-3 in the morning until 5... Then I wake up again to study. Until next time stay cool ma beans. 

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