Reaction Tuesday: I need to "Get Some Air" after Gary's Comeback (ft. Miwoo)

6:01 AM

I've been a very loyal fan of Running Man, I've watched almost all of the episodes and I've even followed the Chinese version of the show. I knew that Gary was a rapper, and he hasn't had a comeback for a while, but I never knew that he was thissss goood. This song is so well written and beautiful that I probably won't be able to put it down for another month.

This is one of those songs that is breath taking. The music video is even more amazing. I seriously love soloist MVs, because it's not the typical light box and what not, but rather a whole movie playing out behind the story that's going on. The beginning of the song is just amazing and when it eases into Minwoo's part, her voice is not like any other voice I had heard. It's like a female version of Chanyeol's voice and his voice is absolutely addicting. I especially love the concept behind this, some parts of the MV is lit up while other parts are in black and white. I really enjoy how the soloist MVs do not use the singers themselves as part of the MV... This is probably also why I enjoy listening more to soloists than groups now... I think that it's not right for a soloist to be a part of their own MVs, in a way it is degrading them.
I'm not saying that the other rookies who are in the MVs are being degraded but that soloists should stick to singing because that is their own talent. If they start making typical music videos then they are just like any other groups. But soloists like Lim Kim or Verbal Jint, I really enjoy the new concepts that they create when they star in their own MVs, but for the concepts of a story line and what Gary was trying to achieve in this MV, I think that it is actually better that they decided to use someone else rather than themselves. The lyrics are also really eloquent, it does convey the same meanings as any other song that I've heard but this song just appeal to my feels. Out of 10, I rate this song a 10 out of ten because I don't remember a time when I was this addicted to a song. Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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