Life is not like a Korean Drama

9:00 AM

OLO am beans!! Welcome to the second month of my Junior year. Yes counting months makes it better than counting days.... I literally have 38 more weeks to go and that's horrid to even think about.

Last week I had my first tests for each of my classes so I had to study really hard for those... Which means I did not have time to think of new content to put on here. I think last week I only posted a Reaction Tuesday BUT IN MY DEFENSE... That Reaction Tuesday was wonderful!!!! I had the time to do some serious reflection, right now I have TWO college counselors who are both more successful than me and that physically sucks. I realize how much I suck and how much everyday life sucks. Okay think about it, everyday we wake up. Clean ourselves. Say good-bye to the parent that is leaving for work while another one drives you to school. Then at night when you comeback you have your dinner in your room because you have to do homework. And you repeat this process for 4 years until you leave and you see your parents at college every weekend... Then it turns into every few months.... And eventually every year.
I want to travel and try different things
I guess this is just part of growing more independent and growing up. But how are we suppose to bond with anyone or experience different things if we are just like any other cycle in the world. Every person have their own unique cycle but it's still a cycle. "Well, break out of the cycle!!!" But does that benefit you or the people around you in any way?? It doesn't. Society already determined what's better: a doctor makes more than a high school biology teacher. That's a fact. And it sucks that we have to keep our dreams kept in such a small bubble but that's the only way that you can get your experiences. You know what else sucks?? The fact that the first 20-30 years of our lives determines the rest of our lives.
I want to spend my twenties traveling the world
Unlike people in the KPop world where during their twenties, they are getting famous and have special talents, and the rest of their lives planned out; we on the other hand need to pick a major that "we enjoy". Right now I'm pretty sure high school has not exposed me to ANYTHING that I like or give me something new to like. How am I suppose to know what I want to do?? I have to literally go online and search for "majors in college". This is why so many people let their parents tell them what to do because no one have the time for otherwise. Maybe I'm overthinking this or maybe it's how you are feeling right now. I just really needed to say this. Until next time, stay cool ma beans.

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