Reaction Tuesday: I am ¨T T¨ after seeing Twice´s New MV

9:30 AM

OLO ma beans!! Long time no chat, I´m actually posting this while I'm in history class. MUCHO TIME CRUNCH. But I seriously have to react to my wives' music video. Literally after watching the MV once, I had the song stuck in my head for the rest of the day. This is actually the first song that I heard after two weeks of no Kpop. I had to spend some time to catch up on some Netflix shows... Priorities ya know.

Anyways lets get on with this reaction. I seriously love the Halloween theme since it's close to Halloween. I didn't like how the beginning is so long though... The kids were mucho cute but I wanted to see my wives. The dance is fairly simple for this one so I´d like to see them trying something a little more challenging in the future. Then let's take a minute to talk about wife number one Tzuyu. LORD CHRIST!! That girl looks good in anything. Her height and her proportions makes her look so much older than 16. Sana once more is killing me with her cuteness when she sings ¨nanananana¨. SO CUTE!! I bet you after ¨shashasha¨ this is going to be her new thing. I remember scrolling on Tumblr and seeing Momo as Tinkerbell and HERE SHE IS AS TINKERBELL. The thing that I am most hyped about is that Jeongyeon got more lines this time.
She´s so talented and perfect but she just doesn't have the chance to show it. Once more Dahyun is the humorous cutie pie dancing in the background. I really want to see her attempt something serious or attempt a sexy character next time since she´s always gives away a troll vibe. I seriously love how energetic Dahyun is. Seriously she is very different from other idols in my opinion because although she´s really pretty, she is not afraid to be different.

Their fashion is on point for this MV and everything looks so chic and fresh. I give this song a ten out of ten since this is only their third comeback and they are already so so successful. Please support these girls and until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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