Summer Mondays: Internship... Volunteering... and MORE

11:06 AM

When colleges are looking at your application, there should be a lot of decorations along with your good grades, so of course, I got some volunteering opportunities and a internship this summer. Normally during the school year, I would teach little kids art as my dad's assistant art teacher on Saturday for about two hours, then it will depend on the day when I go and volunteer for the TAB. This summer in addition to those things, I managed to get a internship/volunteer opportunity with a chiropractor. My first shift was actually last Saturday and boy it was awesome!! The doctor that I'm volunteering for is Dr. W, he owns a small but well known clinic next door to my dad's studio. I got there around 3 ish and so I signed in and the nurse on duty started showing me what I needed to do. The thing was, she was getting paid for doing the job that she's doing, but since I was there, I was doing everything for free, so I guess that's why Dr. W let me volunteer since you have to be an adult to be able to help the patients. I assisted him anyways, for the two hours I was there, I saw three patients, made 3 appointments, and assembled two new patient folders. I literally stood for 2 glorious hours experiencing what a pre-med intern would experience. Because of this assistance job, I literally fast forwarded my life by 10 years!! Anyways, I helped to massage the patients and use ultra sound. The best part is, I get to go there every Saturday starting now. I am also going to try to make it to a kitten shelter orientation, but I think that it's too far. We'll see what happens. I am also going on vacation on July 4th for I think 3 days?? It's short because I have cats... I am also starting a series of Chinese TV shows and dramas, so get ready for some reaction posts. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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