Flashback Monday + Tuesday: The Last Two Days

9:55 AM

I didn't post on Friday because seriously, this post will combine everything I had to say on Friday. Let's take a look back at this school year shall we?? Remember when I was complaining about the AP test and my teachers?? And the numerous dumb people in my periods?? Well, I am still complaining about them. JK, I will probably leave that at the end of the post because it's time for some positivity on this blog and also to end the year.

There has been so many firsts this year, even though they might not all have been fun and games, it was still a good experience. Let's go all the way back to registration day... This year was the first time when I was allowed to keep my hair down for my ID picture.
That's right people, my mom is this strict and I was required to put my hair up into a pony tail every time. The second first... Does that make sense? I guess so, of course, I took my first AP class. It was horrible in both the people involved and the teacher involved, but it was still a first. Then when the class started, it was the first time where I had to stay after school until dinner time for a school activity, and come during the weekend to the park. It also gave me the first time where I stayed up passed 2 on a school night.
Not because I was doing actual work, but I was watching stuff so I can update you guys which is awesome!! This was also the first year where I wore black in school. Ya guys, I wore color before... LOL no... The thing is, I only wore navy blue before, I didn't have anything black, and now I am slowly evolving my wardrobe into something more mature and stable. I do still wear color... I'm not turning emo but I am wearing more professional colors like grays, blacks, and solids.
Aiming for this look... 
BTW... I like pink but I look fat in pink... Yea my logic works. This year has also been the first year where I was not involved in a relationship or a crush. I did find some people attractive... I find a lot of people attractive but I did not like any of them for their personality. This shows how bad my school is because literally no one is attractive anymore. It's also the first year where I am involved with a school activity, again it's not a great experience because everyone is super fake... but it's still a first!! I think that's all the firsts this year... I saved my favorite first last which is starting this blog. It's actually the first step I took into my blogging career!! I wanted to thank you guys for going through thin and thick with me, so thank you!! When does your school year end?? Comeback tomorrow for the lasts that I've experienced this year. Until next time stay cool ma beans!!

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