Flashback Monday + Tuesday: The Lasts

9:08 PM

Welcome to the last day of school where I spent the past three periods watching Divas Hit the Road season 2. I seriously love 杨洋.

He is my currently baby right now!! He is so adorable. You guys should seriously watch the show!! Anyways, you are here for the lasts of my year. This was the last year that I will be taking a Biology course before college. Even though I am still taking science courses, it doesn't count as Biology. It will also be the last time to be in a PE class. I am so happy that I will never run for another timed test and deal with the lack of sportsmanship each of my classmates have. I don't have to play a sport that I'm not good at or be laughed at for being unathletic. I am the most happy about this last. It will also be hopefully the last time where I have to deal with certain people, such as the annoying girl who sits next to me in math, the annoying stalker, or the annoying table group in English. I have rid my day of any type of annoyingness brought on by those people. I am more focused and much more happy because they are no longer here. This will also be the last year of freedom because I will be studying for SAT, ACT, and SAT II subject test this whole summer. This will also be the last year where I am going to be 120 pounds. I will give you guys the details on that on another post. There isn't that much lasts because that means there are going to be repeating things next years that I don't neccessarily like so that's not good. Well, until next time... Stay cool ma beans and happy summer!!

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