Project Inspiration: The Beginning of Another Viral Star

11:22 AM

I am seriously grateful that this interviewee has agreed to do this interview because seriously she is super busy with school and YouTube, so it's awesome that I will be featuring her on this week's post. Without any more blabbing, here is the interview: 

Q: To begin this interview, could you tell my viewers a little about yourself and how you got started with performing covers on YouTube?
A: My name is Jasming Jia-Ming Clarke. I am currently 15 years old, turning 16 in September. I am half Chinese, half Australian and I moved from Perth, Western Australia to Los Angeles a year ago. I started making covers on YouTube because I watched lots of other singers on there and thought it was pretty cool. 

Q: How long have you had a YouTube channel and how long have you been singing?
A: I have had a YouTube channel for about 5 years now and started singing when I was around 4 years old. 
smile emoticon

Q: Has singing always been a passion and hobby of yours?
A: Yes, I have always found singing enjoyable and I like to sing around the house and in the car a LOT. 

Q: Do you ever feel like that doing covers and posting them on YouTube as sort of a career or a job of some sort? Like obligations.
A: Not really. Sometimes I feel like I should post more often because some people say "they're waiting" and I take a long time, I usually average one a month :')

Q: Random question number one: What is your favorite main dish? See how I didn't ask "food" because that's to generic? 
A: My favourite main dish would probably be creme brule. I am a total sweet tooth. 

Q: Do you have a preference for a specific music genre that you like to listen to?
A: Yess, I do! I like listening to Pop Soul, Rock (+ J-Rock) and KPop. 

Q: As you can see from this blog, I am a fan of KPop so have you come into contact with KPop before and do you like it?

Q: Random question number two: What is the most recent movie that you have watched and did you enjoy it?? Please rate it on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being horrendous and 10 being awesomely beautiful.
A: I watched Pitch Perfect II and I lurbed it. In my opinion, it was better than the first movie. I would rate it a clear 8/10. 

Q: Have you ever had a WTF experience? Can you tell my viewers a rant or WTF story??
A: OMG, so this will be embarassing but whatever! I was watching a drama and there was this gorgeous actor in it and I was so enchanted by his beauty that I actually felt some drool going down my arm. I WAS DROOLING AND I WAS SO DISGUSTED WITH MYSELF. WTF.

Q: Can you give my viewers some advice about anything, life, love, smiling... JK... You are really photogenic so posing advice would definitely work too.
A: Awe, thank you! Okay. Here we go. Start by a simple pose with a smile, and then start doing random ones while the photographer spazzes out on the camera. VOILA. 

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