Q&A Thursday: Hair Routine

3:11 PM

Before this begins, I want to tell you guys that I have a heck load of hair. Like my hair isn't those long, Tumblr, Pintrest hair... None of the tutorials work on me. My hair is medium length, wavy, and not mermaid length... NONE OF THE HAIR TUTORIALS ONLINE!! *Insert raging oyster*

Q: How often do you wash your hair?
A: I have realllllyyy oily hair also, I think that's healthy but IDK.... I don't major in hair healthiness. I don't major in anything really. I wash my hair every other day. 
Q: What brand of shampoo do you use?
A: I use whatever shampoo that's available at Sams Club. It's not 99 cent shampoo if that's what your thinking. I really like Garnier shampoo and Dove conditioner because Garnier shampoo makes my hair smell like strawberries and Dove conditioner is just awesome because it makes my hair smell even nicer. I actually don't think certain brand shampoo is better than another.

Q: Do you curl your hair?
A: In my short 15 years of life, I have only curled my hair twice. Once is in fifth grade when I took my yearbook photo. That year I decided to wear a floral peasant blouse and a red plaid skirt... Yea I never knew how to dress. The second time was at my eighth grade promotion party... Normally I either braid my hair after I shower or use this method: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsGuWokn47A (for me the hairband way never works... I did try the method though) I also know this girl who curls her hair everyday.... And lets just say that I don't like my hair in "ringlets."

Q: How do you make your hair soft?
A: By not curling it, or burning it, the hair stays soft. Don't forget to condition it!!

Q: How do you make your hair grow longer?
A: I generally just leave my hair at a certain length so I don't really know... I just let it grow until my mom determines the length. BUT I heard that if you trim your hair once in a while, the hair grows faster. 

Q: What do you do with your hair when it gets oily?
A: I don't use dry shampoo because I don't like gel or hair spray or that kind of stuff, so I just pull it into a ponytail. If I feel like it I will part it from the center and just braid it. 

Q: What are your go to hair styles?
A: First one is ponytail because it looks good with everything. Literally have your hair sleek or messy, it's super cute. The second one is leaving it straight and not do anything with it... That's not really special but I don't have the time to worry about that. The third one is a messy curly hair look, basically you braid your hair the night before, and just have a messy look when you untangle everything.
I hope this helps everyone who wants hair as horrible as me... Until next time, stay cool ma beans!! 

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