Two Rants in 1 Week!!

9:00 AM

OLO ma beans!! I haven't been posting lately because I have a lot going on right now. First, I'm working as tutor after school so I can make some extra cash. But while I'm doing that I'm also a working/aspiring artist so I need to get pieces in constantly. I produce around 1 piece a day. AND I'm also going to normal school. ANNNNDD I'm also trying to keep a social life. I'M HELLA BUSAY!! 

But I'm not complaining, I love this life. There might be some bumps in the road.... Such as the story later on... I think I'm going to get through this semester alright. So I have another rant for you. My AP English teacher is the best person to rant about because she's both biased and racist so YAY public education!!!! As you all know by now this woman favors the top students and apparently this girl got the first full score on an essay. Okay good job for them... OH NONONOOOOO she had to READ the essay in class... And she said, "I don't want to reveal who she is." Two seconds later.... LITERALLY TWO SECONDS... she points to her and was like, "GIVE A HAND TO HER!!!" UHHHHHH... How is this helping me in anyway?? And she cried... She cried because she was so touched by the essay. This is ridiculous!!! RIDICULOUS!!! WHY ARE YOU CRYING???
Are you on your moon cycle?? I know you like her but you can't just show plain old bias like this. You can't be this obvious on who you favor over others. Teachers are not suppose to act this way and yet somehow because she is an AP teacher she has the right to do that. Do I hate my life?? Hell yes. Literally every night I sleep at 2 in the morning. Do teachers realize that we have homework for other classes? This is probably why I like my history teacher much better than other teachers because she went to school here and she knows the pressure. WHY DON'T TEACHERS UNDERSTAND US?? I'm too poor to afford private school but public education should give me the same knowledge and yet I get stuck with a teenage teacher who has no idea what is going on. By the way did I also mention that she's a racist?? Nah she's not racist towards students but she sets herself as the "superior race". 
She is constantly talking about how "white" she is. And she does not mean Starbucks and Uggs she literally refers to her skin color. I. Don't. Care. About. What. You. Think. Of. Yourself. I am here to learn and yet you are preventing from that by talking about your life. Since you could care less about me, I could care less about you. Literally I feel like public schools should just put the top percent people in AP Classes because teachers don't care about the average students anyways. I wanna hear your rant story... Post them down in the comments below!! Let's get a discussion going on how "wonderful" all of ma beans' lives are... Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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  1. wait LOL tfw you know exactly what the blogger is talking about and can relate to sleeping at 2 in the morning every day! tbh you're already juggling so many higher level classes, tutoring, AND an awesome budding art career, it's amazing how you manage your time. I sleep around the same time as you do, but I dont even have as much work to do! also... moon cycle. heh. I thought I was the only one who used that term

    1. LOOOOOL I got chuuuuuuu... balance is definitely key but I feel like I have too much on my plate. But no worries, in Senior year I'm going to take a chill year... Only like four APs.... I know how weird that sounds but trust me so many people are taking more AP classes. moon cycle ftw!!


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