WTF Wednesday: I am a minority in my AP Class...

9:00 AM

OLO ma beans!!! I've been getting some comments and emails addressing the fact that I'm not posting much.... And that I need to rant more!!! My explanation for why I haven't been posting will be on a separate post probably up tomorrow....

BUT I HAVE RANTS!! LOADS OF THEM!!! AND I'M SO GLAD THAT YOU LIKE THEM AND REQUEST THEM!!! So today I have a classroom rant... I feel you AP students out there!!! So apparently I'm a Junior now.. So hard to belief that just yesterday I was a Freshman. As you know... AP teachers are very important because you might ask them for recommendation letters. OHHOOOHOOOOHOOOO!!! ALL I kid you not... ALL of my AP teachers hates me. Let's not even talk about last year's AP Bio teacher. Let's just talk about this year's AP English teacher. Holy moly. I swear every AP teacher only cares about the top two people of the class. Sure they stand out but what about average people like me and you???
She won't even CONSIDER writing rec letters for me because I am "average". You know what else pisses me off?? The fact that she is constantly praising the top two students of the class and ignoring other students. Honestly we need more praise than them because that is all they get. Speaking of AP classes, I share my APES class with Seniors and apparently my teacher thought that it would be hilarious if I was sitting with a table FULL of Seniors. This is second semester... Literally as long as they pass the class they will be happy, while me on the other hand. I still have ONE FULL YEAR OF WORRYING in front of me. I want to go to a good college not a semi good college. Do these teachers understand that?? Juniors should sit with Juniors and Seniors with Seniors. If there are successful business people out there please remember me because I might work as the Janitor in your company in the future. Remember to give me promotions. I wanted to target the one percent people in this post but I think they deserve a second one. Until next time stay cool ma beans. 
Here is a calming GIF to keep you going

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