Project Inspiration: The Beginning of a Million Likes
9:00 AMOLO ma beans!! Welcome to week 3 of Project Inspiration, so I bring you the admins of Once You Enter the KPop World there is no Escape!! This page literally combines everyone's feelings for KPop and I seriously love this page. I am so freaking lucky that they agreed to do this interview and I've been working on this interview for weeks, so without further ado... Here is the interview!!
Q: How does it feel to get 7K likes on your Facebook page?
A: I think it feels great, knowing 7k people liked our page and stay active with the page, liking, commenting, etc.... -Chabooty
It’s awesome! I am really happy that we could get 7k likes in under a year, it’s a great achievement. -Halp
It's great to know that the things we've been posting are somehow contributing to the amount of fans we get. When I first joined the page we were getting about 100 likes a week and in just a few months we began to get 6 times that amount of likes. When people openly comment and say that we are they're favourite page, I can't help but feel so grateful to all our fans that continuously support us. -Bunnie
Q: I am a huge fan of KPop, so can you tell me how you guys got into KPop?
A: My friend showed me bigbangs fantastic baby and right there, I fell in love with it. -Chabooty
Well, I stumbled across Hyuna’s Bubble Pop on YouTube one time. I thought it was catchy but my interest didn’t go much further. Then a week later my friend discovered SHINee and showed my Hello and Lucifer, and since then I became a huge shawol and discovered other groups as well
I first learned of the existence of k-pop school in middle school. I had just started attending a private school outside of my city with a high number of Eastern Asian (literally around 90%). I was the only Caucasian female in my class and the majority of friends were Chinese, Malaysian, and Korean. They would frequently talk about artists like G-Dragon and Girls Generation. So although I'd never listened to or seen it, I associated k-pop with its stranger, neighbouring genre: j-pop. At one point in grade 8, I couldn't take it anymore and wanted to see what the buzz was all about. I typed in the word "k-pop" on Youtube and clicked on the only result that was familiar to me: a Youtubers React video. Although I had only seen parts of the songs, I was immediately hooked. After extensive research, I slowly became addicted and k-pop is now a part of my everyday life. -Bunnie
Q: I know this is the hardest question to answer, but who is your favorite band right this second. One, two, three.... GO!
A: Bigbang! haha -Chabooty
SHINee and BTS!!! -Halp
Without question, YG's rookie group: iKON. My first ultimates were BIGBANG, but after my Korean friend introduced me to WIN: Who's Next? and the follow up survival show MIX&MATCH. After a great struggle and a lot of denial, iKON became my favourite group, barely passing my love for BIGBANG. -Bunnie
Q: Was this page created as a hobby?
A: Yes, I got bored and so started creating k-pop pages. I have 5 now but this was my first, and most popular. -Halp
Q: Are you guys only into KPop or other Korean things as well? Like Kdramas?
A: I think the page is into kdramas, and the culture, plus many fans that like kpop end up liking kdramas and the korean culture. -Chabooty
For me, mostly just kpop. But I do watch k-dramas sometimes. Pinnochio is my favourite so far ^^ -Halp
Before high school, I had no idea about the other forms of entertainment Korea had to offer. It was the funniest thing, entering a high school with a lower Asian density and thinking I was the only one who liked k-pop. But k-pop was pretty wide-spread around the school, we even have a K-Club. Even though I hang out with a pretty "white" squad, I have a lot of Korean friends, who introduce me to things like variety shows, K-dramas, Korean food, etc. So right now some of my favourite Korean things (besides k-pop) are Running Man, It's Okay, That's Love, School 2015, Doctor Stranger, Gu Family Book, Pepero, Kakao Talk, Weekly Idol, K-pop Star, cold noodles, kimchi, ramen, (or kimchi flavoured ramen), Roommate, and Kancho Cookies. -Bunnie
Q: How did you guys build a fanbase?
A: Just being an active page really helps the fanbase, plus since its a kpop page its very interesting. -Chabooty
Sharing the page on other kpop pages, being active, interacting with fans etc. -Halp
We all post frequently, keeping our fans updated with memes, funny videos, new groups, scandals, games, etc. Getting our fandom name was actually kind of funny. One of our former admins asked what her personal fandom name should be, so all the admins began to do that. Before we knew it, we all had fandom names. But then we realized that our page didn't even have a fandom name, so after several suggestions we all decided on "Prisoners". -Bunnie
Q: What is your advice for anything? It can be about school, life, etc.
A: Don't give up on how hard it can be, clichè right? but life isn't easy but never will be. but we gotta enjoy it as we live anyways
Never sell yourself short. I never thought I was that great in school, and I almost didn’t take the opportunity to go for a scholarship I was eligible for. But I did, and guess what? I GOT IT. SO have faith in yourself, work hard and never give up on something you want. -Halp
As an admin of almost a year I can only say one thing to y'all, "Never argue with a stupid person, they’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" (creds to Mark Twain) As a k-popper of 3 years I will also say: "Never trust an Asian girl with a lot of eyeliner. There's a 99.999% chance it's not a girl." (creds to moi) -Bunnie
Q: Can you tell my readers a WTF story that has happened to you guys in the past?
A: One time when I was home alone and the doors were locked I heard a guy come into my house and I got scared and went down stairs to find no one there but the door wide open and no car in the drive way, it was scary haha. -Chabooty
The other day, I was at dance practice and a rat came in and someone had to chase it and catch it in their jacket and throw it out the window. I was hiding behind my friend lmao. -Halp
I'm on the girls varsity flag-football team and play as a linebacker on defense. One game, the other girl on our team was on the line of scrimmage, when she accidentally farted right in the other teams face. The other team's noses started flaring and supposedly one of the girls on the other team has been wearing goggles and a nose plug ever since. But we all thought the goggles and nose plug thing were a rumour, until yesterday, when we actually saw her. Sure enough, she had goggles and a nose plug. She's kinda a legend to our team now. -Bunnie
Q: Random question number 1, what is your favorite color?
A: Purple -Chabooty
PINK. I know, i’m girly.. -Halp
When I fractured my arm for the second time, I was given morphine and when I was drugged, I saw this really pretty colour I can't describe. But since I'm not one drugs anymore, I just tell everyone its blue
. -Bunnie
Q: If you can use one word to describe SHINee's comeback, what would it be?
A: Excited!!! -Chabooty
"SMDONTFUCKINGSCREWUP". Someone better put this on Urban Dictionary. -Bunnie
Q: What's your point of view on recent KPop news like Tao leaving EXO, and the TMZ clip with EXID? Feel free to address both of them. A: I feel that Tao should leave if he truly feels that he is not comfortable enough, but maybe a haitus could work instead of leaving completely? because hes not gone but, he's taking a break. As for the TMZ clip I was a bit upset, but EXID made it a funny thing because they were playing along with it, they are a great sport
I think that if it is in Tao’s best interest to leave, he should. If he is getting injured and his Father is worried I think he should obey his father and leave the group. Although it is really sad and I would hate to see him go, it would be worse if he stayed and his health got worse. The EXID thing- I think that TMZ need to watch more about what they say, it was disrespectful. I think that EXID handled the situation well. -Halp
To be honest, I thought Lay would leave before Tao. Now, I no longer care who else leaves EXO, as long as they are no longer overworked, discriminated, or treated unfairly. It would be selfish to not want anyone to leave, because I'm not the one who's being hurt. At least, I shouldn't be hurt; I should happy that these idols are finding a better life. If other EXO members are being mistreated, I hope that they have the courage to stand up like Kris and Luhan. On the other hand, the whole TMZ scandal is no news to me. Tabloids are pretty stupid in my opinion and anyone who believes them must be even more stupid. TMZ makes up its own gossip and scandals, so I wouldn't trust anything it says. The whole EXID thing is no news to me, because I stopped being surprised by the new lows TMZ reached a while ago. I would advise everyone to chill and realize that the people at TMZ are low-lifes that love to make things hard for everyone else, so let's not stoop down to their level. EXID is killa and no one can take that away from them. -Bunnie
I wanted to show ma beans that with dedication and goals, anything can be accomplished, so if you want to get that Facebook page to be well known, go do something to get it there. I hope that this post have inspired you to start something new this summer. Until next time, pursue you dreams and stay cool ma beans.