Weekend Happendings + Double T: Self Love vs Self Acceptance

9:00 AM

Something has been trending around recently: self love. This is the idea that you're body is "perfect" and you are "perfect just the way you are." And if you are not happy with yourself, then people shun you for criticizing yourself. WHOA. When did this happen? Apparently if we are unsatisfied with how we look then we are aiming to be stick skinny. Apparently if we are not always "positive" then that's not okay. This is not "self love."

I believe in the concept of "self acceptance" it is working until you are satisfied with yourself. If you are chubby and you want to get down to a healthier weight. THEN THAT'S FINE!! You do not have to stick with the body that YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH!! You are not happy with your body then no one else should be able to tell you other wise.
I am still working on the whole self acceptance thing... First is accepting my intelligence. How I won't be able to get the same grade as others and how I won't be able to get some scholarships because people who are more skilled than me received it instead. I do get jealous like any normal human being of other teenagers who are a whole lot younger and more successful than I will ever be. For example, one of my classmates developed these special hearing aids and right now all of the Ivy League schools wants to accept me. I realize that I am not EVEN close to doing something that amazing. Another girl developed an alarm for girls who are sexually abused. UHHH... I'm sorry that I didn't save the world today.
Second is the acceptance of my body. I'm working on that still... Trying to lose weight down to the point where I am healthy and happy. Lastly I'm trying to accept myself as a whole. I am passionate about art. I have a passion about writing. I LOVE wearing sweatpants and T-shirts and not look like a model when I'm wearing them. I adore exploring new places with my friends. I get anxiety when I am put in a social situation with people I don't know. My life is honestly not the best right now and I am definitely not the smartest and people need to be truthful about that. It just so happens that whenever I tell someone, "I really hate AP English." They will either say, "But you are soooooooo smart!!" or "I think your grades are good!!" It's okay to tell me, "Hey maybe you can work on improving yourself." That's not mean at all... that's the truth. Screw those people who are giving you bad feedback about "just believe in yourself." That's not going to get you anywhere, continue to improve yourself until you can reach self acceptance. Wherever that point is, it takes time and yea that truly sucks. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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  1. Are you trying to reveal my identity?? Continue guessing...

  2. lmao theres already a lot of people who knows about your blog at our school. i think you are in my class, you have 3rd period Vo right?

    1. im glad no one has tried to shut this down yet... im not sure am i in your class?? lmao if you are who I think you are... this blog is separate from my life id appreciate it if you keep it that way. Until next time, stay cool ma bean.


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