OMG Dramas: Diamond Lovers

10:59 PM

I can't stand this drama any longer so I have to rant about it before I give up on it. Diamond Lovers is a new CHINESE drama that Bi Rain is in along with some pretty popular Chinese actresses.

Do you see how fake the background is?? #lowqualityproduction
Before you watch it fall into this hole, THERE ARE TWO PARTS TO THIS DRAMA: Part 1 which is 34 episodes and Part 2 which starts over from episode 1 has also 34 episodes. You might be like, "OMG THAT JUST MEANS MORE EXTENSIVE... After they get married... YOU CAN SEE THEIR HAPPY LIFE!!" Nope. There is no happy ending until Part 2. NOT ONLY THAT BUT THE ACTING AND CAST SELECTION IS HORRID!!
Let's take a moment to realize how advanced these Barbie dolls look?? My favorite character is probably the girl allllll the way on the left. She is super adorable and her acting is so muuuccchhh better than the lead. 
I know that yes probably all of them look better than people in real life but honestly, in comparison to all of the Kdrama stars, these actors are just meh.
Excuse the quality but this was
the only picture that makes her
look like she didn't get plastic
surgery... #she'sactuallyreallynatural
You know how much this drama sucks when you like the side/mini story and the second leads better than the lead actors. The second female lead, and the second male leadS are so much more attractive than the leads. The drama has been dragged out so much like Pretty Little Liars that the second lead's love interest changed TWO times!! Literally the second lead has a better plot line than the lead. In addition to the "extensive" story plot, the acting of both leads are horrible. ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE!!

Rain cannot cry, the girl does so much "push-n-pull" that her relationship should just be a tug of war. Here is the whole plot: OMG I LOVE YOU!! YAY WE ARE FINALLY TOGETHER!! aw man, it seems like you are treating other employees the same way, let's break up. NAH... I love you too much!! Oh no, your ex is back. Time to give up. OH WAIT!! YOU ACTUALLY LOVE ME?? But your dad's making me go to Korea so let's break up. OMG I LOVE YOU AGAIN BECAUSE YOU CAME WITH ME!! We need to go back to China because I love you too much. Let's get married!! JK because I got plastic surgery and I can't tell you!! NO WAIT!! You said you will still love me even if I turn ugly. I LOVE YOU AGAIN!! I need to leave you because you are better matched with this random girl you saw at a bar. She called you her boyfriend, you are not faithful, so we have to break up!! NO WAIT... LET'S GET MARRIED!! No let's break up again so I can date my best friend.
Too soon?? I'm sorry. ( ̄ω ̄) #Sorrynotsorry.
The antagonists in this drama are also extreeeeeemmmeeelllyyy evil, even after the evil parents approve of the poor girl, the evil people who works in the company are still trying to get the company. AND EVERY SO OFTEN... THEY ADD IN A NEW CHARACTER... So if you start watching half way... You won't be able to understand the plot. You know how like some of the antagonists are pretty?? Like UEE in You're Beautiful or like Kill Me Heal Me or in Oh My Ghostess??
The protagonists do not look like this... 
or this... #loweringstandards

WELLLLLL... I can't love the antagonists in this drama because they are abusive and unattractive. I don't know why but the main antagonist and the lead's ex both have a abusive relationship where they are either the abuser or the one being abused. WHY ARE YOU PROMOTING ABUSIVE BEHAVIOR?? China plez!! Nothing makes abusive behavior okay. ( ̄ェ ̄;) The final episodes airs on Monday... GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YOU WATCHING THIS.... Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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