Weekend Happenings: Blog Posts without GIFS???

1:00 AM

What world are we living in where there are no GIFs??? Not my world, rather the world of a normal Junior high school blogger. I have two REALLY good reasons for why on my posts, there are going to be a lack of pictures and GIFS until I can update the posts during the weekend...
REASON NUMBRE 1: I do not have the time to put on GIFS... Nor does the Blogger app allow GIFS.

As all of you guys know, my mom does not enjoy me spending my time writing this blog, however it's something that takes the stress away from my life. Also instead of using perfect grammar and awesome transitions like I have to do everyday in my AP English class. I can write however I want on here. Back to the main point, I don't have the time to write this blog on my laptop because I have to do homework while I'm on my laptop, so this means that I'm going to need to write and do everything on my phone.... SINCE BLOGGER'S APP DOES NOT OFFER A GIF FEATURE... We might have to resort in using memes!!! -_-# horrid... I know.... 
I honestly do not have a second reason... Yup it's mainly the reason I said above. I hope ma bean army will stay strong and we will get through this year alright!! 
Since I literally just downloaded the Blogger app right now... The scheduled posts are all going to be around 1 in the morning California time because this is the only time where I have the time to squeeze in some bloggin after a long day of work. So be expecting some daily blogs, rants, and frequent posts!! Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!  

I want to wish Chicken Little/ Mark's Twin Jaehyun from Day6 a HAPPAY HAPPAY BDAY!! You're growing old kiddo... ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

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