Q&A Thursday: The Hot California Weather

9:00 AM

Every year when school first starts, for the first two weeks it is ridiculously hot in LA... Like before the 90 degree weather feels like winter. The highest that we've reached this week is 113 degrees and guess where I was when the temperature was this high?? I was having lunch... OUTSIDE.... BURNING WITHOUT AIR CONDITIONING!!

For those in school, these few weeks are the worst because you can't go to the beach (even if you can you will probably get a sunburn within 10 minutes) and you don't have anywhere to go to cool down... So I'm here today to give you guys a few tips on how to cool down during this horrendous time.

Wear sunscreen. I'm not even joking, those times when your mom forces sun screen on you... It actually is verryyyy helpful. Since I've been couped up indoors for the whole summer, I am really pale when school starts and you know how Asians are with paleness. I honestly don't really care about getting darker but it's the fact that I don't want to get skin cancer since I'm exposed to the sun so much.
You should also know that I hate wearing sunscreen, it's super greasy and you are just shinny after putting it on, so I FOUND A LOOPHOLE!! Use BB cream, I'm using the same BB cream from my Summer Make Up Essentials and it's absolutely awesome because 1) it evens your skin tone out 2) you get sun protection 3) it's not greasy 4) You get to tell your mom the reason why you are wearing make up!! YAY!! Problem solved!!

Bring vegetables and fruits instead of chips and other high sodium foods with you for lunch. I think this tip really refreshes your mouth while you are outside eating during lunch. The vegetables just freshen's up your face and you just feel a little bit more cooler rather than eating the bags of chips that you brought. I normally bring cucumbers to cool myself down or apples (I love apples... but they get mushy if you don't keep them cool). 

BRING A HAND HELD FAN!! I love this tip because it gives me an excuse to go outside and buy a new fan!! I'm talking about the Asian ones that are manual. You can also bring an electronic one but it's not as effective because the wind is really soft. During lunch if it gets too warm, just fan yourself or your friends. Help them cool down a bit. 

Tie your hair up. Simple but sometimes, wanting to look beautiful gets the best of us. No lie but I look better with my hair down but it's so warm these days that I just want to tie up all of my hair and look pretty at the same time!! NO FEAR BECAUSE I FOUND SOME SUPER CUTE YOUTUBE TUTORIALS THAT ACTUALLY WORK ON ALL HAIR!! I hate feeling my hair sticking to my neck because I'm sweaty from going from class to class.
I seriously love Jenn. I always style my hair with the third hair style whenever my hair is oily or it's really warm. 
I used all three of these looks but the last one works the best for me just because I look super cute in braids. 
Another problem with the heat is that the teachers turn the A/C on all the way until it feels like a meat locker, so you are super cold but then you are exposed to the heat and you start getting allergies because your environment is changing so fast. I have a solution for this... Bring a flannel.
I seriously love flannels so much, literally you throw it on with anything... Tanks, shirts, dresses and still look put together. It's a light covering that is better than a cardigan but it still keeps you warm.
Bring a bottle of water plus a juice pouch. I always like to eat sweet things when it's warm so I always bring something sweet for lunch, and when I don't finish the juice pouch I just use pour it in to my water bottle. The juice gets diluted so there is a little bit of flavor in your water. I usually use a stainless steel bottle so not only the water is sweet but it is also really cool to drink. 
I hope these tips are enough to keep you warm until the heatwave is over. I really hope I don't melt over the next few weeks. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!! 

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