Reaction Tuesday: SO MANY GOOD SONGS... I'm going "Dumb Dumb"

1:00 AM

My title reveals one of two things, first thing is that we are going to react to two different songs... But I just didn't know how to incorporate the title into my title so WE ARE REACTING TO TWO SONGS TODAY!! 

First song is by my favorite girl group right now, Red Velvet. I am literally stalking the byubyu couple on WGM and all of the members are just really appealing to the eyes. I seriously love Joy because she's so derpy.
Also she seems like a real person because she gets self conscious like any normal person. I loved Ice Cream Cake and I THOUGHT I would love Dumb Dumb just as much, so I listened to it over the weekend and I gotta say it's catchy. That might be the only thing that I liked about it. The song is very similar to Bang Bang, and the beat is catchy. The album cover is kind of weird because their braids are pointing upwards, and the doll make up was just kind of odd.
They looked cute but awkward... #whataredosbangs
Their skin tone doesn't fit the reddish filter that is on the MV. I only reacted to this song because I thought it was catchy but other than that, it's exactly like Ice Cream Cake: super catchy but no actual meaning. I didn't even bother looking up the lyrics because it's just another typical rookie song. I'm sorry to say but I can't really rate this song because I feel like it's just another mash up of different songs. 

Second song is my favorite song so far of probably this whole comeback period is iKon's My Style. I am a person who gets addicted to voices. I was addicted to Chanyeol... His face, his eyes, his dimples, his body, especially his voice. THEN BOBBY COMES ALONG.... With a face, and a body, and dimples, AND JAWLINE, AND A VOICE!! This rookie is the most perfect bundle from any rookie group in my opinion. He has the whole package, I'm pretty sure that soon he's going to be just as popular as Chanyeol.
Bobby's voice in this song is absolutely amazing and it just captures me when he sings. I think that's the reason why I keep this song on replay. The lyrics are again about how much they like the girl blah blah blah... Wonderful... but again meaningless... I rate this song a 6 out of ten stars because I love Bobby, the song is pretty but the lyrics... It's cute and I totally would like someone to sing that to me... But it's just typical that agencies would appeal to the audience with that song. 
I also listened to CNBlue's comeback "Cinderella" but again... It didn't have that wow factor. I also listened to Mansae but because of these two songs... and I don't think another group is going to have another comeback next week so I will react to them then... Giving them justice. ALSO ON SEPTEMBER 29, GOT7 WILL BE HAVING ANOTHER COMEBACK!! YAY!! I can't wait to see what they are doing. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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