Movies Nights with Ma Beans: Hopeless Romantic

8:00 PM

I love forcing my friends to watch the movies that I watch and I used to have movie nights every Friday so I thought... Why not have movie nights where I recommend movies that y'all can watch?? Here is the movie I'm hoping will destress you as AP season comes closer...

I admit. I am a hopeless romantic. I think this all started when I got into Kdramas... My standards for a boyfriend became ridiculously high and when I see one that fits every single physical criterion... There is something wrong with his personality. I know, I know... No one is picture/story perfect but I can't help it that I always want a fairytale-like the love story. I'm pretty sure a lot of people want someone to say that their relationship is "goals" or they are an "OTP". Just me?? Recently I watched this movie and I honestly think every one of ma beans should watch it. The movie I'm recommending, this time, is called: A Wedding Invitation. I have linked the YouTube video without any subs here but if you want it with subs just look around on YouTube. I bet you will find it somewhere.
This movie honestly is THE most painfully beautiful love story. I actually watched half of this movie when it was Freshman year. I stopped because I didn't want the movie to end. This is how attached I am to this plot... This is also why I rarely finish any Kdramas now since I get so attached. This is not healthy... You shouldn't put this much emotions into one drama or movie okay?? It's just me and ma hormones being crazay. Every second of this movie is filled with a cute line that will raise your standard for relationships a bit more... I'm not sure whether that's a good thing but since I've gotten a lot of positive reviews for this movie recommendation I think everyone here would like it. The plot is just beautiful and the character development is perfect. This is my ALL TIME favorite movie. I wanted to share that right before AP season maybe to inspire you to work harder to find that perfect life or just to relax with a cute romantic movie. Until next time stay cool ma beans. 

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