Weight Loss Challenge

9:21 PM

I gained about 10-20 pounds since the beginning of Sophomore year. Everyday I would sleep about 4-5 hours and I would sit down right after dinner. The fact that I stress eat does not help with the whole weight problem. My slowest mile last year was a 8:53 and the fastest mile I can run right now is 8:52. 1 second faster than my slowest mile. My friends all said that I didn't look any different from last year because I gave up on wearing tight shirts and my pants mostly revolves around leggings. There are a lot of news around that's like "ooooo body confidence!!" or "oooo positive body image" but most of this kind of thing comes from celebrities that looks good wearing a trash bag. I hate the way I look right now and I hate it even more that I cannot comfortably wear a T-shirt without wearing some kind of a big shirt or cardigan to cover my fat. I feel horrible and out of breath when I walk the stairs. I am currently 135 pounds.
This summer, I want to go back to how much I weighed last year, 110 and you guys are all going to help me with this. You guys might think that I am really coming out of the blue trying to lose weight like this, but I have my reasons and it involves a guy that is super important to me. That reason is for me to know and for you to try to find that guy.
I want to lose 1 pant size and 1 shirt size. I will be updating you guys every Friday on how my weight loss is going and so here is my plan: (feel free to try out this plan with me and comment the results)
I hate to say this... But Calorie count!!!!

  • Calories: <1,500 Calories per day
  • A normal person consumes about 2,000 Calories per day and since I have been consuming definitely more than 2,000 Calories a day. I've done my research (meaning Yahoo answers) if I consume this amount of Calories everyday I would lose 1-2 pounds per week without any exercise. This is a very healthy amount to lose. 
Of course Blogilates and dance covers comes into mind. I've never tried Blogilates before and some of my friends have tried her 30 day challenges before... So I'm going to start off with that. I have already made a playlist for the videos I am going to use. Summer is about 2.5 months for me so I am going to take 4 30 Day Challenges and do all four of them together for 2.5 months. 

I am also going to try the Military Diet for the last week before school starts. I need to explain to you guys about the military diet. Don't worry, I checked out the diet and it is super healthy and it's definitely not starving yourself that's why I am trying the diet. It is consisting of very specific amounts of food, and this diet is awesome because you are suppose to lose 10 pounds in 3 days PLUS this diet does not require you to exercise. If you just sit and do nothing for those three days, you will still lose weight.

So guys if you never try you will never know. Let's go for 30 and stay cool ma beans. 

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  1. :o I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it's unhealthy to lose 10 pounds in 3 days. Other than that, GOGOGO GOOD LUCK YOURE GONNA BE SO HEALTHY AND FANTAB <3


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