WTF Wednesday: Prankster Gangster

9:00 AM

IDK what is with my rhyming titles on WTF Wednesdays, but I just come up with these titles on the spot... And so that's that... But you see... My title makes so much sense. This actually happened yesterday, and I was wearing a pretty ratchet outfit. Let me give you an idea of how ratchet my outfit was, I wore a T-shirt dress with the words, "No one cares." Yea... and my shoes were a pair of high top sneakers that are completely white. Oh right, don't worry... I wore pants.... And I pranked someone yesterday. So here is how it went down... There is this girl in my school that is equally annoying as the girl who sits next to me in my math class.

X is one of those well known annoying people... so I don't actually know her, BUT from the stories that my friends tell me, she is extremely wannabe. She told my friend that it was her birthday last week, and so she then asked my friend for a present, even though she didn't know X that well. Then my other friend showed me X's Instagram and OH MY GERD. She has this picture that is black and white, then it was blurry while she was posing and the caption was, "Candid!!! <3 <3" WTF??? Who does that??? It's not called "candid" if you were posing.
I just felt like reacting with this... 
Anyways, my friend brought her gift today, and it was this vanilla body spray from Bath and Body Works. I love that place just BTW because their products are cruelty free, and their body wash and everything smellllsss soooo nicceeeee. Continuing, I was kinda bored, and I kinda wanted her to get what she really deserves, so I diluted her body spray. I left about 1/10th of the body spray and used the sink water to dilute it. THEN AFTERWARDS, I THOUGHT OF THE GREATEST IDEA EVER... I SHOULD HAVE USE TOILET WATER!!!!! AWWWWWWW.... AUUUGGGHHHHHH..... DISAPPOINTMENT IN WHAT I SHOULD HAVE DONE. Cries.... I should have done that, but anyways, she gave her the present, and yea... I feel very accomplished. Okay then, until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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