Last Day of School: A Great Thank You

8:00 PM

OLO ma beans!! Well I have just finished Junior year today. I have ended this year with a 3.83 GPA!!! SOMEONE HOLLA AT ME!!! I know it's not the best GPA (aka 4.00) but if you know the situation that I'm stuck in (aheemmm the hardest math teacher in the school) then you would congratulate me... But since y'all are all my fans I need you to congratulate me... #YouNeedToSupportMeBecauseYouLoveMe

Since it is the last day of school, I want to thank a few people... First, I have someone special I need to thank which is this senior in my APES class. He came to find me three times to get his yearbook signed but because I was so brain dead I couldn't write anything meaningful. I mean my brain is still dead, but I can at least say what I want to say now. I'm not sure if you are going to read this but hey there... Thank you for letting me bother you at 3 am in the morning, then at like 2 am, and then at 1 am. Then sending me your essays and your applications when I needed them even though I didn't get into any of them. You stayed patient with me even though I bothered you really late about helping my friend with math. Then giving me advice about college. You're awesome dude and you're gonna do so well in college.
The second person I want to thank is my best friend. You helped me do my homework without anything complains when I was stressing and stayed by my side even though I know I'm really negative. You let me rant to you sometimes be mean to you just so I can be happy and honestly I can't ask for anyone better to share this friendship with for the past 5 years. The last person I want to thank is my Desdemona (inside joke). He literally helped me edit an essay for THREE HOURS and then helped me with math questions. You are going to do so great in the future with your kind heart and college. I honestly think you shouldn't hang out around me because my personality is not the best. These people has made it possible for me to survive this year. I honestly cannot wait until next year where all my hard work will pay off. Now time for yoga class, until next time stay cool ma beans!!

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