Movie Night with Ma Beans: Girls Love

9:00 AM

OLO ma beans, this is the first Friday of summer and I thought what better way to spend my days of happiness with a movie. I think this movie touches the current events that's going on right now with the Orlando shooting. I send my wishes to all those families who have lost a loved one in that shooting. I was recommended this movie before the shooting happened and I just thought it would be fitting to share this movie now. I came across this movie with a recommendation with one of my YouTuber buddies.

The thing is, we share the movies that we find online. It's mostly new movies from either Korea or China. So far all the movies he has recommended are pretty awesome and so I wanted to share this movie with you guys because I trust that y'all would like this too. I have never watched anything like this before. So let me start all the way from the beginning, so a few months/weeks ago, JKNews (I'm a sucker for their channel) had this episode where they talked about how China has banned homosexual movies. First I was like eh kinda expected it but then my second reaction was... Wait a second... These movies exist in China??? APPARENTLY THEY DO!! So this year I think three movies came out with this idea and so my friend (let's call him A) watched it, made a review and was like "Hey it's a new movie and you're bored so here watch this." I watched it and DAMN GURL... This movie is pretty bomb. Not sure if you can find it or not but this movie was not produced by a big company and the production rate is really quick. I think the first movie of this series came out early this year and because of high demand, this second movie came out around April. So this series is doing pretty good and I'm glad that this movie is so popular. At first glance, I thought the main girl wasn't that attractive but then as the story developed, you learned to like her face. I really like how China is embracing this concept of homosexuals and accepting it. I'm so happy that people are learning to embrace this concept. I don't want to spoil too much but this movie basically follows the struggle of this couple. After the movie, I learned that the main actress is lesbian in real life so this role became more realistic. I give this movie a 10 outta 10 so you should watch it. Here is movie one. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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