Memorial Weekend 2K16: Lunch Dates and Dinner Dates

1:30 AM

OLO ma beans!! I'm sorry this post went up so late, I didn't get home until like an hour ago... But some important stuff happened today: I don't think life gets better than this. I honestly don't think it does. Literally someone Internet slap me please because I just had the best day ever. FIRST OF ALL I HAD A FULL 8 HOURS OF SLEEP!!!! When was the last time that happened?? Maybe like one year ago.

After getting up, it was around lunch time and I had a lunch date with one of the best, THE BEST people ever. Legit she's like my mentor/idol/sister and she's also on the admission team at University of California Berkeley. Do I kinda want to go to that school?? Yeaa.... Do I kinda love the fact that she's a family friend??? OBVIOUSLY!! I have met with admission officers from different colleges before but they're all strangers so what's really awesome about this situation is the fact that I can say anything I want and she understands where I'm coming from. She graduated from the same high school as me, went to Berkeley, and now works there. Like uhhhh can I have your life please?? It's so great having someone who can give me pointers and lists that tells me what I should do next to better my chances at getting into the colleges that I want. You know the other reason why she's really, realllllyyyy awesome?? She buys me food.
I offered to pay, but ma beans... She always gets me. She told me if I want to pay her back, I have to get a job and do that. Ooof the pressure is on. I don't think last year I brought you guys with me for this holiday, but I headed over to my aunt's house for her BBQ party with a bunch of strangers... BUT SO I THOUGHT!! Apparently the doctor that I met knew me a long time ago. And by a long time ago I mean literally when I was going through my embarrassing phases, he was there to witness it all. Yup, that was fun. I managed to embarass myself in front of someone even before meeting them. My life is so sad. Well I guess this day isn't actually that great... Another interesting I met there was a dude who worked at WallStreet. This is one of the most interesting backstories I have heard so far. Apparently, he married a woman from this super exotic country in Asia (I forgot where) and after bringing her back to the U.S. she cheated on him, left him her child and ran off somewhere. He is now basically living off all of the money he earned from Wall Street to raise his kid. That dude is living the life... I want a life where I just live off of the millions of dollars I made... Now how do I get there without doing anything?? HMMMM that's the challenge. Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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