Q&A Thursday: My Christmas Presents

9:00 AM

OLO ma beans, this is one of the posts that are looonnggg overdue. Literally I am late by like two months... BUT HEY here we are!!

Let's go through the friend list first... So one of my close artist friends got me an Elf eyeshadow kit... Which I probably won't be using until I can drink since the shades are not really natural. But the kit had a eyeshadow brush so YAY!! 

She also bought me a cute bear flowerpot from Daiso in which now I am using to hold my cookie monster plushie. 
From ma kpop frand who left school early for vacation, she got me a pack of the BEST FACE MASKS!! I think I talked about it on my skincare blog post. 
I think I got the most "spa/relaxation" kits this year since another friend got me this foot cream and fuzzy socks which works verryyy well. My feet are smooth and happy... How can feet be happy?? I don't know...
Of course I got a set of BTS photocards from my supa genius frand who was willing to spend $20 on a set of cards with faces of male Kpop celebrities on them... She thought they were really weird. I couldn't find the pictures from the original seller so I just improvised with this... 
My beessssttiiieee got me a whollllee set of make up. Maybelline Blush palette which I haven't started using yet.
An Elf lip tint which I don't recommend using in school instead of a lipstick because it is permanent and you need to use a makeup wipe to take off. Also it is realllllllyyyy dark....
And allllsssooo a Maybelline pencil liner which has a very good consistency and it applies very smoothly. Through looking at the small list, y'all can see the little amount of friends that I have... But they are very important to me... But see if I was a super hero, villains can't use them against me because I have so little friends.... SO LESS PEOPLE GETTING HURT!! 
I traded my Christmas present for the EXO ticket and instead asked for a ceramic curling iron. This wand is by the brand: Remington... and it is honestly is so cheap... It was around $14.99 at Ross and I'm pretty sure that it's still on sale there so... GO CHECK IT OUT!!
Last Christmas present that I got was a Nine West purse but this was more a necessity. Okay I know that purses are not necessities but I really needed a new purse since I didn't want to use my jean material purse too much. I seriously think that this purse is super cute and very practical because it's slim and there are 3 large pockets where I can put all of my stuff... The purse is also super light weight. 
That's it for this week, until next time stay cool ma beans!!

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