Weight Loss Challenge: Week 4 (The End of the 30 Day Challenge)

9:00 AM

OLO ma beans!! Welcome to the final day of 30 Day Challenge (not really final day... because yesterday was the last day). In which I weigh 132 pounds. I lost a total of 6 pounds. 

Honestly I thought that I would have lost more weight, than only 6 pounds but after starting the whole Weight Loss Challenge, I realized how easy it is to put on the weight but also how hard it is to lose the weight. I remember this one morning during last year while my dad was driving me to school, I remembered him telling me that I should eat less. TBH I was pretty angry with what he said because first I was as stressed as a cat wearing a diaper and second I didn’t want to admit that I was gaining weight. Ignoring what he said, I just continued to eat lots during dinner and sit at my table for the whole night. 

At the end of these 30 days, of course there is the physical result. My thighs grew skinnier by so much that when I wore the same shorts before I started this challenge, they were loose, however if I tried to wear the skirt that I wore last year, I can no longer fit it since I still have 20 more pounds to go. I’m still not where I want to be, and I will continue to eat healthy and work out until that skirt will be too loose on me. #goals. My stomach is not flat. Definitely not flat but it’s more toned than before and flatter THAN BEFORE. My arms looks the same but I am able to do planks for a longer time. In my last challenge post I talked about which challenge is more effective and how so go check that out!! My posture also improved. I think that’s like a side effect of the half cobra pose… I forgot to write this in the post but while I was doing these challenges, I didn’t want to feel the soreness, so I would stretch for 10 minutes after doing all of the sets. I’m also a lot more flexible from that. 

As I promised from Monday, this whole week is dedicated to makeovers. Not only makeovers include your physical appearance, but you can also have an attitude makeover. Let me tell you about my reactions and stuff all before this, I am a person who has a inner outburst which is like I would only be weird and talkative around the people that I know, super short temper, and the attention span of a goldfish. Now I am a lot more patient after interning with the chiropractor, and I think I am slowly unraveling my weirdness with my SAT class squad. My attention span is about 1 hour long before I have to go and do something fun (like watching YouTube and Netflix) unlike before in which I had to watch or listen to something while I work. SO WHOOOPIIEEDDOOO FOR MEH!!! I think that ma beans (all of you) helped me on this journey the most since you beans supported me through all my good and bad days.
I lub all of ma beans so much... <3
From this I learned to accept failure. By accepting failure can make you a better person. Honestly try asking yourself everyday “What did you fail at today?” Once you understand that it is okay to fail, you will be able to feel even better about your success. I would try this method sometimes but it’s just something I want to put it out… Try to do something kind every day. Like complimenting someone’s outfit or picking up stuff that other people dropped and didn't pick up. These little things really will make you feel a lot better about yourself. I will make a separate post on what I'm going to do for the next half of summer, so please check that out. Until next time, let's go for 30 and stay cool ma beans!!

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