Q & A Thursday: Back to School ALREADY??

9:00 AM

OLO ma beans!! As I've promised, here is the post on back to school stuff. This literally covers everything that I want to talk about, makeovers included. Because every year, I want to change my vibe and I wanted to share with you guys on what I do. Again, I saw all of the DIY stuff that the YouTube people did, and honestly who has time for that in real life?? Like these YouTubers are mostly already out of high school... so they probably already forgot about the stress that we experience. Because we aren't famous or already has the rest of our life secured online... Here is an ACTUAL back to school for cheap post.

Q: I always see these cute things online, and then when I click open the item it's like $5 for a pencil. I'm broke, but I don't like the stuff that they sell at Office Depot and those places. Where do you buy your supplies?
These are the stuff that they sell at Daiso. 
A: Honestly if I knew who you were, I would give you some of my pencil bags. LOL because I collect them for a living. Anyways, this is the classic Asian problem. We would see super cute stuff online but we don't have the money, so where do I go?? Welllllll, in LA, or at least I think this store is only limited to here, is this beautiful place called Daiso. It recently got popular and there are 3 stores near me. Everything that they sell is $1.50 so that is literally the cheapest price you can get for cute stuff. It's like a Japanese 99 cent store. They have literally every cute thing you can imagine, from notebooks, to pencil pouches, to binders, they have it all. If you don't have that store near you, my go to place would be on Amazon. I actually just went on Amazon and ordered 4 pencil pouches for $3 + free shipping. I also saw like 10 gel pens for $5 and it's the same pens from Daiso.
Q: I am seriously in need a new backpack, but all of the backpacks I like are in the $70s. Do you switch your backpack every year? How can you afford it?
A: I SERIOUSLY GOT YOU ON THIS LOL. A lot of people are very reluctant to shop in department stores because they think that the clothes are low quality, but if you look hard enough, you will always find something that is the same brand as they sell in the mall and it's a WHOLE LOT CHEAPER!! I know that Hershel backpacks are really in right now, but honestly I'm too poor to spend my money on that and why spend $50 when I can buy a unique Jansport backpack at Ross for $19?? Yea that's right, Ross has UNIQUE Jansports and I am not joking. I buy all of my Jansport backpacks from there because they are so cheap. I actually only used China backpacks until 9th grade, and the first Jansport backpack that I bought was $35, it was the purple one from the Roadtrip Essentials post, and the second backpack was a purple floral backpack which costs around $40, and while I was shopping for my backpack for this year which is this cute thang here: 
Which costs around $50, I got for only $18.99 + tax. I seriously think that it is totally worth it. And yes, I do switch my backpack every year.
Q: Do you really follow the YouTube videos to DIY your notebooks and pencil pouches and all that? 
A: Honestly I don't, I just like to watch these videos so I can leech off some positivity since all of my stuff are more one colored and less neon and floral than what they have. I don't ever use #2 pencils unless it's for a official test, so I've tried out the pencils thing, and I got wrinkles everywhere on the pencil so it looked gross. Plus who brings sharpeners anymore to class?? Normally for pencils I use stuff that I get from my friends because I feel bad if I don't use them. Currently I'm using an orange ox-gel. As for notebooks, I like small things, so I usually use something small and portable if the teacher is not collecting notes, the small notebooks are usually for like English and Science. For math, I just use a normal 70 page notebook, and it lasts me for the whole year. If you want, you can try cutting out pictures and then positioning them on the notebooks then taking clear packaging tape and then taping the pictures on because that looks waaayyyy cuter than sticking scrapbooking paper on there.

Q: My school stopped passing out agendas, do you use one? Where can I go buy one for less than $5?
A: My school's agenda was super bad this year also since they started printing their own, so I bought my own from Big Lots for this year. I definitely find the agenda super useful because it helps me remember things that I cannot remember (it's like my child, in the beginning of the year, I thought that I lost it and I had a mental breakdown... so yea I do use it). The one that I bought is super thin, and it has a map of Paris as the cover, and the inside is basically an agenda. I got mine for $3 and it's super thin, so it's awesome to take around in your backpack. Plus this one came with a plastic protective film, so that's a plus!!

Q: There is this girl in my school who matches her outfit everyday with her pencils and stuff. I think that it looks super cute but I can't find groups of cute things that match well. Any suggestions?
A: I don't usually match my OUTFITS with my PENCILS because NO BODY GOT TIME FOR DAT. I applaud your classmate for having the time to do that. I usually try to get a feel of the vibe that I'm going for for that year. For example, last summer I thought that I had to work hard for that year, so everything that I bought was had a school vibe, like I didn't really care if the stuff were cute or not, as long as I had something to use. BUT this year, I am changing everything to the more classy side, my pencil pouch is solid colored leather (blue & yellow), my binder is from Daiso and it's black and white, you already saw my backpack, so that's that. My pencils are going to be skinnier and less chunky. Try to find what vibe are you trying to accomplish, then go from there. 
That's it for the back to school for cheap post. If you guys want, I could do another post with the additional stuff that I bought?? We'll see it's only half way through the summer. Thanks for sending in questions!! I'd love to hear from you!! Until next time, stay cool ma beans!! 

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