Mind Talks: Those Nights of Rainfall

10:26 PM

I've always had this feeling while I am driving back at night and sees the lights of city from below or when it's raining outside. Since it's pretty gloomy outside, I want to share with you guys something that I've never told anyone before, because I was afraid that they won't be able to understand, but I hope that what I'm saying is relatable to you.

During vacations and breaks, my family travels all around CA, and we would often drive back home at night. Often we would drive back from somewhere at a higher elevation, so we would often see the city lights down below. I would be listening to calming music whether it would be KPop or English songs... I really don't know. I just think that everything at that moment is perfect. Nothing could disturb the happiness and perfection that I feel. I feel like I am living in a drama, and someone is waiting for me at home. This feeling disappears soon after when I arrive at home, and realize that the following day I would have to go back to school but it's still my favorite feeling in the world. This is also why I love the drive to the airport because there are lights everywhere, and whenever I'm on that high way, I know that either someone is coming home or I'm leaving to another new destination. It's silly I know, but sometimes I like to imagine KDrama scenes with lights and moonlit picnics while listening to the perfect theme song to my life during the car ride. It's absolutely the most perfect ending to a trip or to anything really. I try to match the song to my mood at that time, and that song just takes me into my own KDrama, where I'm the lead. 
On rainy days, I enjoy staying at home with a book and reading for the whole day or go outside to a coffee shop and just sit until my mom picks me up. I can hear the rain dropping and I'm feeling super warm and fuzzy... It's the best feeling in the world.
I would feel that at any second, my friends would call me and we would talk about everything and anything in the world and just have a blast at home. When I'm outside in my super cute outfit, it's another feeling of perfection, that feeling that only the things I do matter, and the rest of the world just melts away with whatever I'm drinking. The air smells super clean, and it's just one of those things that cleans your mind and your soul.
I've always had the idea of an ideal place where I will meet my fate, and I think that by experiencing these feelings with someone that you love is the best thing in the world. I want these feelings to never disappear. Next time while you are traveling or just on a rainy day, try to experience what I have experienced and tell me that you don't love it. Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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