Flashback Friday: The First Time I Asked Out Someone

9:49 AM

Okay, in a way I asked him... But in a way it's super gross.... So leggo...
This all started during promo. I knew this guy and we were "besties" like we were pretty close friends. Before I go on, I need to tell you where he is now. In seventh grade, he was a fob that no one liked and so when he started speaking English, he made more friends but he was not even close to being popular. Being the fob that he is, his family is very rich, so when high school rolled around, he started wearing nice ironed shirts and those private school pants. He's now a extreme wannabe since he is in my school's choir. With dis back ground knowledge, let's actually get to the flashback. I knew that he liked this girl called G and they were closer than we were so this guy goes: "I want to ask her to promo but Idk how to ask her." SO being the retard and lazy cheese ball I am, I just texted back: "I really like you. Would you go to promo with me?" This selfish piece of crap was like: "Wow I did not expect this. But okay, let's go together!" I was just like... WTF.

Like dude did you just trick me into asking you? Are you really that freaking shallow to think that? I thought that he was joking around, and the next day, he started telling other people that I asked him to promo and that's the reason why he is not going to go with G. I was like WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Like who does that? His friends started going like, "I thought you guys were just friends? They were so perfect together..." I heard that so many times that day, so by the end of the day, I went up to the guy and I told him that I was answering his question, and that I am not going with him. AND OH MY LORD.
His friends are the most nosy people ever. I just left when they called my name and asked me what was going on. I now need to go hold myself in a corner and rock back and forth to get this memory out of my brain. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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