Q&A Thursday: Get ready with me...

9:27 AM

I watched like ten YouTube videos about "getting ready" for the day, but never once could I related to the video since no one freaking have time to put on make up after PE class nor do I have any of the clothing that the YouTuber has, so let's see how I get ready.
Q: Do you wear make up?
A: Okay, so I sleep at like 1:30 am every day, so when I look really tired and my eyes looks like cats squinting... I would wear white eyeliner at the corner of my eyes and blend it out to make me look more awake. I learned this trick from this online this Facebook post.

Q: Do you ever find your outfits the night before?
A: Uh... Okay I tried to do this like a few times but it never worked out because first of all CA has the craziest weather in the world, so like there is a high chance that the weather you see the night before is not the same as the weather the next day.
Q: What's your process in the morning.
A: I wake up every day at like 7 so like I use ten minutes to do everything that involves cleaning myself. So I would brush my teeth, wash my face, and then put on contacts. YAY!! I'm done!!
Q: What face wash do you use?
A: If you watch a lot of YouTube like me, Clean Clear always have those "teen" commercials talking about their face wash. Yea I am currently using that and I really think that the Clean Clear wakes me up. I guess it's a mind set... Like after I use this, I would think that I am awake... Or am I????
Q: What do you wear on a daily basis?
A: Okay so, I usually just wear T-shirt and shorts during the summer. My favorite outfit though is probably a plaid shirt with short shorts and a white tank top. It's super cute and it hides my fat. During the winter, I just wear a shirt with a jacket. I usually wear a different scarf for every single day of the week, and I try to match my scarf with my outfit.

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you have?
A: These questions are getting off topic... LOL... Idk actually lol... I have lucky red Vans, a pair of black Converse high tops. I have four different pairs of flip flops because I love them... And I wear them with leggings. Since my feet are like size 4 kids, I wear children flats and boots. My favorite pair is my black combat books. 
Q: Do you take naps?
A: YES!! I take 1 hour nap when I go home everyday after school. It's getting ahead on sleep, so I can sleep later at night. LOL 

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