Deep Thoughts Monday: Love at First Sight

9:30 AM

I actually discussed about this topic in English during my Freshman year while we were on Romeo and Juliet. I loved this topic because I don't believe in "love at first sight". Yea I would love a fairy tale ending where this super perf guy sees me and then two seconds later, he wants to marry me, but I bet you there would be problems after that. I think that when one sees someone else, the first thing they notice is their physical appearance. You can't really be like "OHHHHH I love his personality from just looking at his gorgeous face!!"

It doesn't work that way. If you say that he was "love at first sight" you are basing everything on his physical appearance. You know nothing about his personality and whether he will treat you right. Okay I've seen someone and been like, “WOWOWOOWOWWOW he's very attractive" then went up and talked to that guy, but I've never been like, "WOWOWOOWOWWOW I love this guy" right after I see him. Some first sight believers might be like, "IT'S FATE!!"
You will understand this only if you are a true Kpop fan....
Okay girl... You can think of it that way... But when you don't have the courage to go up to this guy to talk to him and miss him... YOU JUST LOST YOUR FATED GUY!!! So like the guys that you date later... Guess what sistar... HE'S NOT THE ONE FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU MISSED YOUR CHANCE!!!! This is another reason that I don't believe in love at first sight because no one knows how many "love at first sight" you are going to have. Take Romeo and Juliet for example, they had one experience of love at first sight... LOOK AT HOW THAT TURNED OUT!!! Anyways... Does it count if every time I see an attractive guy I should be like, "LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT??" Like how does the whole "love at first sight" works. Please comment down below and follow me on this bloogggggg. Tell me what you think. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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