Deep Thoughts Monday: Popularity

9:00 AM

Ever since the first steps into kindergarten, popularity ruled the school. Your social status is pre-determined by the people around you, those who speaks louder, and dress nicer than you. Today, ladies and gentlemen, lets discuss about something that everyone can relate to, popularity. Let me begin this with a story. In my grade, this girl is actually from my English class, around the second week into this school year, she left to another country to compete in a distant singing competition. Let us call her, R. Before I go on, let me give you some background on this girl. She won the sixth grade talent show at our school, and she is well known in high school for her singing, but of course, like any other popular girl with a talent, she did not join chorus all because she surpassed them all. She was in marching band though, and sometimes posted videos of her on Facebook. Moving on to her personality, I've had her in my seventh grade math class, she was nice, but I never got to really know her, so I can't say anything to judge her... Until now... When she left, the whole school, especially her best friends began to follow this singing competition, as the rounds went on, and more and more people were eliminated, she made it to top six. Her voice was absolutely amazing, but it wasn't good enough. She was eliminated. And so, last Friday, she flew back to our school, missing one full year of her Sophomore year and with a new arrogant attitude that she is above everyone. When she lost, she reactivated her Facebook, and followed some people that she unfollowed. We can refer to her as popular. The school was buzzing with her arrival, someone even told me about how hot she looks now. When the thing was, no one noticed her before she became "famous" in other words popular. View the rest of this story on my website:

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