Reaction Tuesday: Homecoming... Finally

9:30 AM

OLO ma beans!! If you all follow me on Instagram, you would have seen that I was at homecoming... Yes hunties... I finally went. Honestly, it wasn´t as bad as I expected it...

Since I´ve been hearing a lot of bad stuff about it since Freshman year. I went with my friend this year because obviously your girl is so awkward she can´t get a date. The traffic slowed us down a lot so by the time we got there, it was already past the hour time frame that people are suppose to arrive. We rushed in with the student council president... She was late also, so we didn´t look as bad. The first mistake that I made was dropping off my shoes with one of my friends who had a date who was also her boyfriend. We literally hadn´t talked in forever, but we were close enough were we could talk whenever... At the end of the dance, when I went back to get my shoes... They were in a make out session... My shoes were RIGHT UNDERNEATH THEIR CHAIRS and so we crouched down and got our shoes without looking up and ran. That was awkward experience one... Then came the time when I thought it would be smart to take off my heels and wear my ten year old flip flops instead. You know once you wear flip flops too long, they would be super wore out and slippery. Well guess what. I didn´t think about that. While I was making my way outside, there was water on the ground and I slipped and fell.
My friend didn´t even noticed. I guess that was good that she didn´t notice and that I fell behind a table... Needless to say, one side of my butt hurt the rest of the night. It got even MORE awkward when we started dancing our way into the grinding circle and you can see EVERYTHING. At that point, I´m super glad I´m short. A word of warning for anyone else going to informal dances this year... If you don´t want some girl wearing the same dress as you... DO NOT buy a nude/light pink bodycon dress. Literally, I saw around 20 people wearing that. As the night went on, some of my cheer friends got into a social media fight where they were roasting past team mates. We then headed out to attempt to buy pizza at 11 because... why not. The food there was absolutely horrible... But then again... I wasn´t expecting much. We had cookies... on a stick. That was by a celebrity chef. Well that´s my rant for today... How was your homecoming? Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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  1. LOL the food was better than last year's though, at least there were cheesecakes


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