WTF Wednesday: RANT TIMEE!!

12:42 AM

We have not had one of these for a verrryyy long time, but BOOYYY DO I HAVE A RANT FOORRR YOUUUUU!! This is about SAT testing... So if you think this topic is boring please feel free to find the WTF Wednesday tag or explore my blog... LET'S CONTINUE WITH THIS!! Collegeboard is a "non-profit organization that connects students to college success and opportunities".

And by "non-profit" they mean: a charge for SAT testing, ACT testing, SAT II, review materials, score reports, AND score choice. AND by "college success and opportunities" they mean: you must take these tests or else you will not get into college and even if you get a high score you might not be guaranteed acceptance in the college you want to get into. I literally cannot stress how many of the "college search" emails I get every single day. On average in a week I literally get around 15-20 emails. BUT YOU CAN UNSUBSCIRBE!! I still want these opportunities... Maybe I might just go to Indiana University or University of Alaska. You know what else bothers me... THE FACT THAT THEY SEND OUT TEST SCORES DAYS BEFORE BIG HOLIDAYS!! I AM NOT EVEN TRYING TO FOOL YO!!
Me hitting my SAT scores... Or my prep books...
Whatever floats your goat...
The November SAT scores came out days before Thanksgiving DAY and the December SAT score CAME OUT TODAAAYYYYYYYYY!! What is today... Like two days before Christmas?? Do you Collegeboard people seriously want to ruin our lives like this?? Because of the score that was released today, my mother made me delete all forms of social media from my phone. THANK YOU SATAN!! I literally cannot... Do you want to know what my desk looks like??
SAT got me all worked up...
I have TWO SAT prep books on my desk at the moment and it is one in the morning here. Someone please tell College board that WE ARE ON VACATION!!! You know... Sometimes when I get angry enough... I start looking through the authors of who wrote the textbooks and wonder if their parents never got married then I would not be learning that thing right now... So who invented Collegeboard?? Which teacher decided, "HEY you know what's a great idea?? Not only charge kids for a national test they have to take but also ruin their lives by constantly changing the format of the test!!" THANK YOUUUU SAAAATTTANNNNNNNNN!! I am so done at this point with my life. I wonder how many people gave up at this point... Clap your hands if you don't care!! I hope we all survive this period of our lives. AMENNNNN. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!
Don't get too worked up... I got angry so I looked up
Channie gifs... OOPS... #ShouldBeStudying

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