Reaction Tuesday: Seventeen films a "Q&A"

9:00 AM

I was going to react to Yerin's "Across the Universe" because I love the song so much.... But then I saw my child's subunit release "Q&A" so I had to react to that one... Even though I didn't react to "Across the Universe" just take my word for it and watch the MV!! When have I ever given bad music selections to ma beans??

Anyways this collab with Aille made me so happy and VERNON... OH MY INNOCENT VERNON is just so totallay adorbs in this video I want to cry. I am not a fan of Woozi but even he looked kinda cute in this MV. This MV revealed the great obstacles that boyfriends faces as girls tests them on ridiculous questions like, "Do I look different?" "Do I look fat?" I don't think I will EVER ask these questions if I was dating. It really doesn't serve any purpose.
Vernon's witty rap and SCoups's stare into your soul melts my heart. The whole bright color theme just brightens up my life. I ain't even jokin. I have never noticed how pretty Vernon's eyes are... Out of ten stars I rate this song a ten out of ten because I have been listening to it for the past two weeks and yet I'm still not sick of it. Please support SEVENTEEN as much as possible. I feel so bad for these kids because not only are they treated so badly by their agency, they also faced the "Black Ocean" at MAMAs. Until next time stay cool ma beans. 

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