Why I haven't been Posting Recently...

12:54 AM

OLO ma beans!! Sorry I've been so inactive lately. You know before I would see on YouTuber Facebook pages and stuff where they apologize and I'm just like "Gurl you don't need to apologize for anything. You have your own life." (・ω・)ノBut as a writer now, I realize that there is a need to apologize to my readers and my bean army. I feel guilty that I'm not providing you guys with the things you want to read and I feel guilty that you guys come on to this blog looking for new content and I don't have any for you. (p_-) Recently the height of Junior year just kicked in and my GPA is slowly sliding downhill so to keep that up, I have to sacrifice one of three things: social life, blog, or TV time. I decided to sacrifice blog time because I need those other two to inspire my blog. I love ma beans and you all know that. I really hope all of you can support me through this year. I will to my best to upload content as soon as possible and as much as possible. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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  1. School = mucho important! No need to apologize for spending more time getting smart, yeah? Happy Vets Day!

  2. You too!! Thank your support!! (。♥‿♥。)


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