Life Appreciation Post!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING MA BEANS!!

9:00 AM

OLO ma beans!! Since its literally like the holiday season, I think that it's time to show some appreciation towards many things in my life. I first want to appreciate everything that my parents provided me.

Everyday my mom would come home at around 9:30 because she is so busy with her company and work. We don't even get to eat dinner together anymore, I am so happy and proud to have such a hard working, amazing, dazzling, inspiring woman as my mother. If another lady came into my life and told me that I was actually her daughter, I would have punched her in the face and come and find my mom.
She sacrificed so much of her own time when she could be relaxing so I could go to college. Since I can't write about her on my college applications, I think I'll just write about her here. Thank you mom, really. My father on the other hand is a man whose personality is too close to mine. They say opposites attract, so you can say that we don't talk a lot or get along that well, but that doesn't mean he doesn't try to show that he loves me everyday through small gestures like bringing me fruits to eat, keeping me hydrated, and driving me to all these crazy places where I have to go volunteering. All these little things makes up my everyday life, so thank you dad. Next I want to give some love to my best friend in the whole wide world, S. She's the only person who truly appreciates my company any time of the day, week, hour... You name it. I always write something along the lines of, "she deals with my craziness" etc... But this time, I'm going to change it up. I want to thank you for everything that you didn't do. Thanks for not ditching me when you hated the clubs that I made you join.
Thanks for not leaving me when you could have found someone who is a much better friend than me. Thanks for not screaming at me when I asked you to tell my parents that you failed on tests also so my parents wouldn't yell at me. Thanks for not being someone else's best friend. I want you to realize that even though sometimes I don't show it that I appreciate what you do for this friendship, I really do. I would also like to thank my cats for letting me pet them whenever.
Of course lastly, I want to thank ma bean army. I started this blog in March and right now I have over 3K fans and who made my Thanksgiving break a little bit more bearable?? You beans did. This is all you. Thanks for being there for my rants and my secrets when I couldn't tell anyone in real life. Also thanks for keeping my secrets. I don't know how to even show appreciation but you guys are the ones that supported me through and will continue to support me through one of the most gruesome years of high school, without you guys, I don't think life would be even close to bearable. I love you guys, your weirdness all included. Please eat lots with your family and just in your mind thank each of them for being helpful Happy Thanksgiving, and until next time stay cool ma beans. 

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