Reaction Tuesday: "Sour Grapes"

9:00 AM

I was watching SIXTEEN a little late and when SanE came to judge them... I had to look up who this complete random stranger is.
I wanted to hear his music SO LUCKILY... SanE released a single with MadClown called "Sour Grapes"... It has the two elements I love the most: bright colors and a funky beat. I honestly don't think the girl in this MV was attractive at all... She had curves but that's it... Kind of a let down since both SanE AND MadClown is chasing after her. She doesn't deserve such amazing people. Both of them are super playful and cute in this MV... The MV concept was simple, color backgrounds and a fisheye lense. As a first impression of SanE, he is veyr good at rapping. I especially enjoyed the Hotline Bling paraody that they stuck in there even though I loved this version a lot better. YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MV REMINDS ME OF?? "Doin It" by Verbal Jint. If any of ma beans from Korean can tell me what "Sour Grapes" mean or symbolize... Because it just seems completely random to me. I'm sorry there isn't much to say about the song other than that I think the concepts are random and that I really like the beat so... out of ten stars, I give this song a ten out of ten since it is a first impression. Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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