Weekend Happenings: 3 More Weeks

9:00 AM

OLO ma beans!! After the whole week of binge watching shows and attending parties... I am not ready to go back to school. This post is not really about what happened during the weekend but it's actually about how I spent the days that I was not bloggin. So on Thursday I went to my aunt's annual Thanksgiving party and slept over the next day to go to another party near there.

The first party is mostly close family friends who comes over, like my cousins' nanny's family and people from their orchestra. This year, two new additions came along: one was a college genius who is majoring in math and computer engineering while the other is a agent who used to be a rockstar musician... OkAy tHen. There was typical Thanksgiving food like turkey and pies... and there were movies.... I did nothing but watch movies and eat.... This party wasn't CRAZY AT ALL... because it was all about discussing politics and how the stocks market is doing... I typically stay out of this kind of conversation because if I engage myself... I'm going to get a beat down from my uncle (who is EXTREMELY pro-republican) Once I asked him who he was voting for (BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER) he gave me a thirty minute lecture on why the republicans are better...
At this time I was ten so the conversation was beyond awkward. The party the next day was crazy in the place that we went to. My aunt already lives in the "wealthy" neighborhood but THIS PARTY... OH MY CHEESEBALLS!! This party was hosted by one of my mom's friends and her house requires a MAP to navigate around their 28493984 living rooms. Their one restroom is bigger than my entire living room I KID YOU NOT!! What I got out of the party was the romantic kdrama feel you know?? Since the house was right next to the beach... I just stood on their balcony with my apple cider (cause ya know... I can't drink yet) and stared at the ocean (it was really dark so literally I was just looking at blackness and freezing my butt off).
I imagined this... but nahhh
IT WAS WORTH IT THOUGH!! This week, I have a insanely long post about the BTS comeback for tomorrow and I'm back to regularly bloggin. This Saturday is my SAT test and honestly I'm pretty sure my score is going to drop... GOTTA STUDAY HARD!! I am also CONTINUING my Weight Challenge along with my friend. I know I've been really inconsistent but you see, while attending these lavishing parties I realized that since I'm dumb... the only way I can get a boyfriend is IF I'm skinny... SO HERE WE GO AGAIN!! Finally by looking at the title you guys probably figured out by now that we only have another 3 weeks until CHRISTMAS BREAK!! Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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