Q&A Thursday: Ideas for Homecoming for those that didn't get asked...

9:00 AM

While other YouTubers and bloggers are coming up with different ways to celebrate homecoming... All the DIYs, the dresses... Everything... I'm here to celebrate with you guys who are not going with anyone...
Inside your home ideas:
Start your Halloween costume
I am seriously doing this on homecoming night while I watch Bones. I'm not even joking, after I'm done I'm going to take a picture and post it everywhere. I have no idea what I'm dressing up as on Halloween because I've been a cat freshman year, and last year I was a devil wearing red jeans... Yea no. AND THIS YEAR... I think I'm going to be a meme or a book because I have a sheet of blue poster paper. On the other hand, I think I'm too old to dress up for Halloween but since everyone else is dressing up I should too. I can't wait for college when on Halloween nights I can go to parties.

This is Maybaby and I love her bright style. 
Start next week's homework!!
You can never absolutely finish homework so I think this is a good idea.
Re-watch your favorite drama
Since one night is not enough time to finish multiple seasons of one TV show, there are always Korean, Chinese, and Taiwanese dramas that only takes around 16 hours to finish. Re-watching dramas will bring back all the good memories that you missed that I promise you that this will make you forget about all of your friends at Homecoming.

Look up DIYs for college!!
This is actually my favorite thing to waste my time on because even though there might be a chance that I will not even get into college, preparing beforehand is always a good idea. I already bought a shoe holder, found a place to get my coffee maker and waffle maker, and bought a Polaroid package to take pictures for my dorm room. These DIYs makes me feel super neat and happy... It makes me feel like I'm doing something productive... Even though I'm not...
This is one of my favorite LaurDIY videos... 
I'm planning on making this soon... 
Make your own DIY bracelets
Yes I still do this even though I am a Junior... I'm broke and poor so I have no cash to buy myself accessories so these bracelets are actually super cute and yes you can actually make them!!
I have made all these bracelets... 
Cutest thing ever to wear on Valentine's Day 
Outside your home ideas:
Have a girls night out

Not all SIX of my friends are going to homecoming so we can go and eat dinner while wearing super fancy dresses then watch a movie after. Honestly it's not that bad... Make sure to take a bunch of pictures and post them. Be proud of being single and saving $300.
Go have a picnic in the afternoon
While all the other girls are being asked out, take a blanket, your favorite book (I just bring my sketchbook) and go outside (if it's not roastin) by yourself for a picnic. Bring a blanket and make some sandwiches. Spend the whole afternoon eating and doing what you love. Quit using your phone so much and live life like those people from before technology was a thing. But go home at night time... Parks are scary at night...
Go exercising

I know... I hate this idea too but sometimes I just want to be like those Korean girls from commercials where they are jogging through a park and they run into some hot guy who also jogs during that time. Who knows... Maybe it might work out... While others are at the dance eating and dancing, you are here making yourself feel a lot better!! Boostin that confidence!!
Go star gazing with your family

Family bonding time is always great, take loads of pictures because some time in the future, you might regret it. I would go and star gaze with my boyfriend but you know... If I had a boyfriend then we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.
I hope these ideas help you feel a little better if you are feeling alone. If you are like me and don't really care... then these are just things to do that night to make your night equally special. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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