Weight Loss Challenge: Week 8

9:00 AM

I have reached my plateau, I am sure of it. Today's weight is 129. I literally gained one pound since the last week, so I'm taking a break on the Weight Loss Challenge until school starts again. I am pretty happy with the 9-10 pounds that I lost this summer, I seriously didn't even expect myself to be able to diet this hard. In the beginning I set a goal of 20 pounds for the whole summer but then I realized that it usually take one year to lose 10 pounds, and I did what normal people would do in 3 months with makes this summer super worth it. So until next next week when I start school, I'm pausing the Weight Loss Challenge. I have learned a lot about my body and how fast I could lose weight. 

  1. Everyone's metabolism is different, so everyone lose weight at different rates.
  2. No excuses should come in your way while your dieting.
  3. Rewards are super important for the end of the week.
  4. Work out before you do homework because it helps increase your brain activity.
  5. Exercise/stretch everyday for at least 5 minutes. Squeeze in 5 minutes everyday. It's definitely worth it. 

Thank you guys so much for supporting me through this process. I think this summer is the most the most productive summer yet, and I'm looking forward to working extra hard next year. Let's go for 30 and until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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