Fan War?? What are We Five??

12:01 AM

Before I begin this "lecture" I want to point out that T-Ara won even though 1D fans claims that T-Ara fandom cheated, so now even Billboard is accepting the results, proving that T-Ara fandom didn't cheat.

This fan war started because of some voting thing on Billboard, and when T-Ara's fans got the votes up to 1 Million within 1 hour, 1D fans claimed that they cheated. I should be using "we cheated" but I never was into T-Ara but since they are part of the KPop family... I SUPPORT!! When Zayn left One Direction, a bunch of Directioners also left with him, so your fandom is no longer as big as when they first debuted, and since KPop fandoms support each other, it was expected that we help out T-Ara in getting their votes up. To me, the amount of TIME that it took wasn't surprising at all because BIG BANG tickets can sell out within the first 10 minutes, EXO tickets were sold out within 3 seconds. Getting votes up to 1 million?? No problem. So I believe that there was no problems with the voting. 
I want to first point out that both sides are wrong in this situation. What I want to point out mainly was that individual artists and idols were brought into the fan war. I've seen multiple times where Jimin from BTS and Mark from GOT7 were targeted. Bringing individual artists and the WHOLE KPOP GENRE into the fan war is not okay and that should never happen again. If you guys want to fight... fight between the FANDOMS!! KPOP IS INVOLVED WITH MANY FANDOMS... SO DON'T PULL ALL OF THE FANDOMS IN!!
It's not fair to the fans or to the artists themselves. The rest of the DIFFERENT group fans are only here to help to get T-Ara's votes up, not to get involved with the fan war. By dragging in the whole KPop genre, the whole industry is being tainted and no one likes that. Did everyone already forget about the threats against BIG BANG and BTS?? Speaking of individual artists, EunB's death was insulted by the 1D fans and KPop fans fired back with the hashtag "directionersfuneral". Death is no laughing matter, so both sides are wrong on this point. No one should ever take death lightly. EunB's loss was devastating for everyone. Why are KPop fans wishing for the death of Directioners??
Here's some advice; GROW UP
T-Ara won anyways, so does this really matter?? The last point I think is what everyone missed: none of the artists responded. None of the artists that the fans pulled out responded to the war, so what was the point in the end?They are honestly more focused on their careers rather than paying attention to the things that will be solved anyways. Everyone just need to grow up... There are children that need to fed, animals that need to be saved. People shouldn't be trending hashtags. Until next time, stay cool ma beans. 

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