Summer Mondays: I'll Miss You

9:00 AM

Dear My Favorite Person,  
It's getting closer to back to school, so I might not see you that often anymore or much at all. I want to say thanks on this blog of mine that I've never told you about. You might never read find it and never know how awesome you've been, but I just wanted to remember you. We met on the second day of my internship. You were a patient, and I was the assistant. I was new and I helped you check in, it turned out that you bought the "package" and that means you'll only be there about seven more times before you don't need the treatments anymore. Dr. W was on his lunch break when you came before your appointment time. You asked me about how I got the internship, which TV shows I liked, and why I wanted to study medicine. You knew more about me than some of my friends does after thirty minutes. I thought that I would never see you again, because each appointment times were different but you came every Saturday after that week at the same time. Not only that but you would buy me lunch. Literally anyone who gives me food is someone that I become fast friends with. I never told you how much my summer has sucked with all the homework and not being able to go anywhere, and because of you I had something to look forward to during the weekend. I wouldn't trade you for all the fluffy chickens in the world. Thanks man for being my food buddy, a good friend, wonderful humorous entertainer, human alarm clock, and so much more just for this summer. You made me live my Saturdays like an adult who has a job and yet she still gets to hang out with her coworker at the same time. I had loads of fun sharing my work space with you and thanks for changing the music whenever I get too sleepy. I hope your back gets better. Until next time, stay cool ma beans and I'll miss you loads.  

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