KCON LA 2015 Days 1-2

5:11 PM

Alright, ALL the celebrities had just arrived in LA and I'm not there for any of it, but guess what ma beans, my friends paid for the VVIP package, and since I couldn't make it, they are in charge of updating me with their every move with pictures and videos. I will be constantly updating this post for the next three days until KCon LA is over so check back for the latest updates!! I created this post to those you beans who couldn't be there like me, instead of fan cams... I can give you live updates. Maybe I will attend KCon my Senior year because I'm just too busy for the last two years of high school... 
Day 1: 
So far, GOT7 has arrived, most of them looked really tired, and not many of them acknowledged the fans, BamBam waved at a fan after hearing her scream his name but other than that, they don't look too excited to be there probably because they just got off a 12 hour flight, and they came to KCon. Sorry guys but we really missed you. It's reallllyyyy warm in LA today and they are all wearing jeans and long sleeves except for Mark who knows about the crazy weather. DON'T FORGET TO WEAR SUNSCREEN!! It's so sad that Jackson couldn't make it because honestly I would have 100% went if the whole GOT7 group came. I've got loads and loads of armband shots... LOL but no performances just yet.... Super Junior is honestly awesome, most of them took pictures with the fans and it just warms my heart... Literally because it's so hot outside. I'm pretty sure that tomorrow is going to be a lot more intense!! I seriously cannot wait to see the JK crew and Irene!! I still haven't seen Kim Soo Hyun yet or gotten any news about him. My friend just send me a video of MONSTAX's surprise concert!! They were wonderfulllll!!!! In my opinion, the stage is a little bit too small. Roy Kim ended today's fan meet with his adorable smile. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!! 
Day 2:

I'm sorry for updating this late but it's a lot better than updating small bits and pieces... OF COURSE TODAY SISTAR, GOT7, SUPER JUNIOR amazed everyone!!!!!! AKKFKSKFNSJFJSKFKD THE FASHION SHOW WAS SO AWESOME I ALMOST DIED!!! JKzzzz it's my spirit typing this. Let's go through Super Junior's performance first, Siwon (I got to know his personality a lot better since We've Fallen in Love which is basically the Chinese version of WGM) stepped out on his own. Just random thought here.... My right ear piercing is experiencing some allergic reaction to the earrings and I have no idea what's going on..... COMING BACK TO KCON2015, okay bear with me because I'm trying to sort out in order all of the stuff that my friends sent me lol.... Honestly I have no idea which group went before which group because I only see clips and pictures. I don't know a lot about either Super Junior or MONSTAX, so I can't say much other than: you guys are brave to wear long pants and jackets in heat like this. SISTAR ON THE OTHER HAND IS DRESSED THE MOST APPROPRIATE FOR THIS EVENT!!!! Their performance was to die for and each of them looked radiant. Literally they looked like an American band having a concert in LA, that's how fitting they looked. The most exciting thing was not the high touch events or the fan meets.... It's all about the fashion show that GOT7 put on. I have no idea who their stylist is, but please spread the word that it's been so hot in LA that even my cats are too hot to refuse my hugs, so it should be in no condition for GOT7 members to be wearing things with sleeves, jackets, and long jeans. The LA Convention Center is filled with thousands of people, the temperature should be even hotter than normal. After watching the whole GOT7 performance, ma beans are pretty tired. YoungJae who was in the back barely could hold his arms up to dance and barely did the full dance. I'm kind of glad that GOT7's promotion ended, ma beautiful beans can finally rest and take a break. On the Facebook fan page, they would constantly update their progress with selfie videos and the condition that they were in just breaks my heart and livers. Literally I saw them eating on the floor, YuGyeom sleeping vertically on a sofa, and Bam Bam falling asleep on a chair. They are wayyyy over worked. Mark even ran into Jackson in one of the performances. JYP is promoting them way too much in my opinion, I know that they are still considered a "rookie group" and they need the publicity but they are wayyyy to tired. Literally for all of the music shows, they have their own intro that they filmed while other comeback groups did not. Cudos to you JYP for promoting them so much and spreading them around, but honestly, they are too over worked, hopefully Mark can stay in LA a little longer and live with his family and visit some of his friends. Roy Kim also made an appearance, not a fan but I've heard one of his songs before that I liked. Other than that, nothing else happened. In addition to Day 2, since everyone was at KCON, I went to the newly opened Nature Republic which just opened in the mall closest to me, the promotion of purchasing something for $50 will get you a notebook with an EXO member's face on it. Everything there was so cheap, so you literally have to buy a bunch of cosmetics to get the notebook, not worth... I suggest ordering off of EBay. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!! 

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