Summer Mondays: Back in KPop World

9:00 AM

After witnessing the horror of warehouse sales (WTF Wednesday story), I think I should give direction to the people who are starting to save money for college, so this whole week I'll be focusing on saving money and all that adult life stuff that no one wants to think about. Before all that, let's talk about what's happening in the world.... of KPop.... Recently some EXO-L noticed on Pann that D.O has gained "a lot of weight" for his new role as a country boy so I checked out those pictures. Yes he does look a little bit chubbier but he's always been the type to gain weight easily. Plus they aren't on tour anymore, so it's not that big of a deal that he's gaining weight.

I don't mind if this creature gained a little weight... 
PPLLLUUSSS the weight gain is to fit his character for his new drama, so I support him. Moving on to Chanyeol's disgraceful gesture that was pointed out AGAIN ON PANN. Honestly, Pann brings up so much little tiny details that no one notices. Apparently Chanyeol made a rude gesture, and blah blah blah. He's 22, it's still normal to act like a teenager.
Okay he only got a nose job....
Boys are suppose to be five years younger than their age, so it's okay Chanyeol just don't do it again in front of the cameras. Maybe other members make the same gestures behind the scenes, who knows. Since there was no response from either SM or Chanyeol, it must mean that either the situation is not big enough, or Chanyeol didn't actually make that gesture. Speaking of Chanyeol, when you look at this childhood photos he was soooooo different, like his puperty hit him like a truck... Just like T.O.P. and his weight loss. Chanyeol is so pretty now. Like he's great looking since he only got a nose job and that's it. There has been two comebacks with SHINee "Married to the Music" which creeped me out so much. The music video was like a Disney show. Wonder Girls' comeback song reminded me of the 80's and since I was never a big fan of them, I don't think I'll be reacting to them this week. Plus I already have a song lined up for tomorrow.... I bet you guys are going to love me for it. Until next time, stay cool ma beans!!

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